Aim 3.9 — Notes on training runs and upgrade to Pytorch Lightning 1.6

Gev Sogomonian
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2022

Hey team, Aim 3.9 is now available!

We are on a mission to democratize AI dev tools. Thanks to the awesome Aim ccommunity for the help and contributions.

Here is what’s new:

  • Notes on the training runs
  • Upgrade to Pytorch Lightning 1.6

Special thanks to ashutoshsaboo, haritsahm and Justin Burton for the help and feedback.

Notes on the training runs

Now there is an ability to add rich metadata edit (similar to notion) over the runs. It’s been a highly requested feature to be able to leave relevant code, result-related notes, next steps etc on the runs.

Upgrade to Pytorch Lightning 1.6

We have upgraded the Aim Logger for Pytorch Lightning 1.6 updates.

Learn more in the following thread:

Learn More

Aim is on a mission to democratize AI dev tools.

We have been incredibly lucky to get help and contributions from the amazing Aim community. It’s humbling and inspiring.

Try out Aim, join the Aim community, share your feedback, open issues for new features, bugs.

And don’t forget to leave Aim a star on GitHub for support 🙌.

This article was originally published on Aim Blog. Find more in depth guides and details of the newest releases there.



Gev Sogomonian

Aim co-creator. Co-founder and CEO AimHub. Prior Altocloud (acqu. Genesys). Runner, Swimmer.