Spatial AI for consultancies

Xenia Polutornova
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2024
Aino: User-friendly app for urban spatial data analysis.


Urban planning projects, from city to agglomeration research, require handling vast data sets. Initially daunting, this task often relies on data engineers for organization and visualization. Coordinating, updating, and validating data can be time-consuming, especially for non-technical staff.

Requests to the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) department are common in urban consultancy, covering optimal public transport stop locations, high pedestrian traffic areas, and green space mapping. These inquiries highlight the breadth of concerns addressed in urban planning.

Can we simplify spatial data analysis for non-coding analysts?

Introducing Aino, your AI assistant for spatial data projects.

POI analysis made with AI

Aino makes spatial analysis simple: analysts or consultants can ask the data questions they usually direct to engineers, and voila! Analytical results appear on a map with legends, graphs, and charts — almost like magic.

How does it work? Aino employs “text2map,” an AI technology that creates a map in just 5 minutes — no need to bother data engineers. Aino utilizes fine-tuned Large Language Models for spatial data tasks.

It converts text queries into code, and seamlessly integrates with company databases, open-source data, and uploaded files, ensuring accuracy above 98%.

AI is a game-changer in spatial data analysis, saving companies time in data-driven decisions. Aino empowers individuals across specializations to effortlessly handle data in planning or marketing.

Aino is an AI for spatial data analysis. Aino transforms data questions into interactive maps, charts, and graphs. Read more about us on our LinkedIn, Instagram and website.

With love,
Aino Team.

