The Sober Paradox

Or is it the alcohol paradox?

Happy Sobriety
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2021


Photo credit: Jordan Nix, Unsplash

I have not drunk alcohol for 2 months now and beginning to feel the benefits of a sober life. I’ve got more money, I’m losing weight, and feeling generally a lot more vibrant and healthy. It's a great thing. But do you know what? I’ve only told a handful of people. I’ve deliberately not told certain people in my circle because I already know the responses I will get:

1. You must have a problem with alcohol

Oh No, they will whisper. Did you have a problem with alcohol? Are you seeking help?

Alcohol is the only drug people will ask if you have a problem with it if you don’t do it. It’s a bloody addictive substance. Literally, everyone who drinks regularly has a problem with alcohol whether they know it or not. Can you imagine people saying this about any other drug? How on earth did you let yourself get addicted to heroin? You were only smoking it at weekends.


2. Don’t be a bore

Don’t be so boring! Come out with us, we’re only having a few, it won’t harm you, it’ll be fun.

That’s simply not true, is it?

If you’re in the UK, you will be familiar with Micky Flanagan’s hilarious sketch…



Helena Anne
Happy Sobriety

Lover of Dogs and Yoga. Eternally searching for ways to expand my consciousness.