Want to Quit Drinking? — Why 66 Days Will Make it Stick!

Janet Gourand
AINYF…Alcohol is NOT Your Friend
3 min readMar 8, 2024


Climb aboard the Sober Bus!

Many of us start drinking at college just to fit in, then we find ourselves at work entertaining clients or just letting our hair down with colleagues on a Friday night as part of the “work hard play hard” culture.

As we get older, we switch to using a glass (or two) or wine in the evening to relax or to relieve stress. The evolution from “socialising” to “self medicating” is complete.

Here’s the thing:-

Alcohol is a toxin and we owe it to our amazing bodies and brains to take a break now and then.

Reasons to take a 66 day break:-

Many of us have white-knuckled our way through Dry January but 30 days is just not long enough to experience the benefits of sobriety. Whereas 66 days of sobriety will boost your health, improve your looks and give you a glimpse of just how awesome alcohol-free living can be!

Alcohol is a drug and we need to take regular breaks to ensure that we are not becoming dependent. 20% of social drinkers will become dependent over the years. Alcohol is insidious and sneaks up on us which is why an annual “dependence-check” makes so much sense.

66 alcohol-free days will certainly have an impact on your waistline. Of course, wine is full of sugar and it also leads to unhealthy snacking. Even more important to know is that because alcohol is a toxin your body will focus on metabolising it first, before it even thinks about burning up your food.

A break from booze will have a positive impact on your looks. You will lose that puffiness in your face, your skin will clear and your eyes will sparkle. The average US woman spends $300 a month on beauty treatments. Ditching alcohol is the best beauty treatment of all.

“Alcohol is the only drug we have to justify not taking” — harsh but true. If you tell your family and friends that you have given up drinking they may well ask you why on earth would you do such a crazy thing. Whereas, tell them you are doing a 66 day alcohol-free challenge as a health kick they could well leave you in peace ;-)

To feel rested we need 7 cycles of REM sleep. Drinkers usually get 2 at the most. The resulting fatigue builds up over the years, especially if you drink a glass (or two) of wine every evening. Ditch the drink for 66 days and you will sleep like a baby and begin to feel fabulous — who knew?

You will experience the “Domino Effect”. After a significant period of sobriety, your mind will clear and your energy and motivation will come flooding back. You may well start reviewing and changing other parts of your life — your eating plan, your exercise program, your career and your relationships.

Why 66 Days?

66 days is long enough to change a habit and build a new neural pathway.

If you want the science behind the 66 day principle then here it is.

So if you are thinking about making alcohol-free living a permanent lifestyle then you will find it SO much easier after 66 days.

Even if you are just looking to cut down then take a 66 day break and you will find it SO much easier to drink within the low-risk levels of one and a half bottles of wine (or six beers) a week.

Join the Annual #Sober66 Challenge!

If you’d like a bit of support to get through the 66 days then Sign Up for the Tribe Sober #Sober66 Challenge and get online, community and audio support for 66 days from the day you sign up.

Just Click on the bus to get a ride!



I am a Brit living in South Africa. Finally managed to quit drinking in 2015 - I set up Tribe Sober to help others do the same. Podcast &