Unity is coming 🎉

Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2019

It’s coming. Miners and Stakers working together. Unity is a major milestone in both hardware and economic security models for blockchain network consensus. It brings together the unique characteristics of each of these models to provide a security design that doesn’t sacrifice availability, unpredictability or decentralization.

Leading up to the hard fork on November 19th-20th, 2019 the Unity — Aion Kernel will be upgraded by node operators. As soon as the upgrade is complete, Unity will be live and a new stake-based type of block production will be introduced into Aion. This marks another major milestone, Aion will be one of the first major networks to migrate from PoW and introduce a new consensus design on a live network. Coordinating this type of upgrade is only possible due to the amazing community of node operators around the world that run Aion’s infrastructure. Once the network is upgraded, Aion holders all over the world will be able to participate in the security of the network and be rewarded for their efforts. Holders can stake privately or through an ecosystem of world-class validators (to be announced shortly) that have come together to support the Aion community.

In advance of the upgrade, documentation will be released to guide holders through the delegation experience and using the amazing staking interface which will be your home-base for all staking related functions. In addition, we will be releasing the Unity Economic Overview which outlines changes to the block rewards and Aion issuance.

For more information on Unity see the links below:



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