5G and AIoT is the new Normal After Covid crisis.

Aryan Dey
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2020

Almost definitely, the new COVID-19 crisis would accelerate AIoT acceptance. We will possibly see further emphasis on how technology can be used to enhance social hygiene and health habits, such as the development of contactless IDs and facial recognition protection systems.

The most noticeable change, however, would come from a public point of view, as COVID-19 is likely to affect the views and perceptions of many customers towards implementing AIoT solutions to ensure a healthier, cleaner lifestyle. In the “new standard,” which is where the benefits of edge AI come in, there will be dissenting opinions about giving up our privacy rights for protection, because it can guarantee much of our data privacy while easing the pressure on 5G networks.

AIoT technologies that tackle health data, there would be substantial business growth. Wearables have been the first entry point for customers who want to use technology to gain insights into their personal wellbeing, but on everyday devices like TVs and cameras, we believe you can find more and more health-oriented AIoT apps. To allow a more complete view, AIoT can link these sensors together to act as one device.

Post-COVID-19, we also agree that customers should look for solutions for contactless systems that focus on either audio / voice control or where sensors such as cameras automate decisions / actions that, particularly in public spaces, once needed interaction. An obvious example of this would be the potential replacement of ‘beg buttons’ by cameras embedded with AI at crosswalks, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

With COVID shifting our views on contact, remote work and the importance of healthcare technology, system manufacturers will need to respond to the current needs of customers everywhere. We now have the infrastructure to support the future, with 5G finally starting to find its feet.

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