Here Is How To Take Your Revenue to The Next Level using Internet of Things !

Prajakta Jade
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2020
Connect Your Business with “SHUNYA OS” and See Great Heights in Your Revenue!

Many assets are under-used by large quantities. This reality is often discovered once we make our assets smart and linked to the Internet of Things (IoT) world. Some of the greatest payoffs for a company embarking on the IoT path is finding ways to increase the efficiency of these often-idle properties.

You wouldn’t let workers waste 45% of their working time taking breaks. Then why about your valuable and profitable assets !?? There should be no difference to the machines & supply chains too! These under-used assets & processes must be put to full-time work !

Unused properties such as vehicles, warehouses, MRI machines, assembly lines, dishwashers, partially empty trucks on the lane, meeting rooms, and thousands of others must be optimized for their use in order to gain their retention.

This trend is indicative of previously-idle servers in data centers, which had their utilization boosted via operating system virtualization. They’ve been put to work so that they can earn their keep.

Connecting assets to IoT systems & analytics to minimize unplanned downtime and increase their remaining useful life are essential starting steps in reducing operating expenses in your IoT journey.

The next step is to increase the incremental use of these assets by connecting them to digital marketplaces facilitated by IoT & Block chain where their spare use can be rented out to others to boost revenues.

As machine learning gets better in predicting the degree of use of properties, a futures market can be generated in which counter parties can trade in future free usages.

In the factories with partners, share idle assembly lines together. Share MRI machine time with patients on other hospitals & treatment plans, free hours. Know where trucks are going and how big they are so we can fill them up. Know where the unused food and idle commercial kitchens are & feed the hungry and generate extra revenue!

To sum up, Connect your assets to IoT to keep them healthy, know how to make use of them efficiently & effectively, reduce your operating costs & generate a great revenue !!

“SHUNYA OS” is the best AI & IoT Solutions provider which will help you to grow your business in such post pandemic situation!

“Shunya OS” Solutions actually make sense and are available at the most affordable price range compared to the other expensive solutions out there! Shunya OS is really one of the best AI & IoT solutions at this time!

If you are the one, planning to increase your revenue using IoT Solutions, then Shunya OS is the Best Solution for your business at this time !!

Do not wait anymore, Visit the website by clicking here & grab your Proof of Concept (POC) to get the real time idea of the solution !



Prajakta Jade
Writer for

An Enthusiastic Wanderer, Explorer, Learner, Reader, Writer & Peace-maker. Wondering while wandering in the real and fictitious world !