What The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is Saying of Businesses thinking of using IOT, Post-Pandemic ?

Prajakta Jade
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2020
Automate your Factory, Production Units using Shunya OS

A recent Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) study stated that “A lack of technical knowledge and security issues related to IOT (Internet of Things) need not be a permanent condition. Rather, support exists for those who are curious about the IoT potential but are uncertain about its implementation.”

This is indeed a great news for a number of industries including healthcare, electricity, transport, logistics, and retail !!

Back in 2019, the Economist described the second phase of the internet — the IoT — and said in his study, that, “Along with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and big data, the IoT is at the core of the world economy’s digitalization, led by the online integration of previously isolated objects.”

According to a research, it’s been found that “Companies that implement IoT technologies usually achieve productivity gains up to 20–30% in their businesses.”

Many business leaders are holding back from IoT due to security, digital technology, and investment concerns.

According to EIU the solution is just three simple steps!

First, find collaboration with technological experts to understand how your company can benefit from IoT. Second, as part of every new strategy, invest into a modern digital infrastructure and skills. Finally, prepare for how competitors’ IoT adoptions could disrupt their sector.

The outcome of this will be, your businesses could be doing these five major things:

Link devices, gather data , track processes & properties, monetize & discover new revenue opportunities, and leverage by saving cost, time, and energy with new levels of efficiencies !!

Controlling such systems is fun when you are using the “Shunya OS”

According to one study, there will be as many as 8 networked devices by 2022, and the future of IoT is very huge !

IOT is going to Boost the Global Market in Post Covid-19 pandemic. Companies with IOT technology will witness the major growth and revenue compared to others!

Your company can be one of them if you plan your business accordingly using IoT in a right way!

Here is one Indian Startup, “Shunya OS” for your reference, which provides the best IoT & AI software solutions at the most affordable price range! They also provide the POC (Proof of Concept) which is totally worth using. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about data security as Shunya OS gives total data security for your data!

You can simply ask for the POC and check the results! Don’t wait anymore! Don’t let your competitors go ahead of you !

Take a step! Grab Your POC !

Visit their website: http://swiztek.com/shunya-os/ and try out their solutions & take your business to the next level !



Prajakta Jade
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An Enthusiastic Wanderer, Explorer, Learner, Reader, Writer & Peace-maker. Wondering while wandering in the real and fictitious world !