AIOZ Network Staking Program

AIOZ Network
AIOZ Network
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2022

We are delighted to announce the launch of the AIOZ Network staking program. The staking program enables the AIOZ Holders community to join and delegate $AIOZ tokens to validators to participate in the process of securing the AIOZ Network; the more staked, the more secure. We offer an incredibly competitive annual percentage yield (APY) of up to 30% in the first year.

This staking program is only applicable to $AIOZ Native to the AIOZ Network; for $AIOZ ERC-20 and $AIOZ BEP-20 assets, users must first utilize AIOZ Bridge to convert them to $AIOZ Native before staking.

It’s worth noting that $AIOZ ERC-20 refers to $AIOZ tokens on the Ethereum network, while $AIOZ BEP-20 refers to $AIOZ tokens on the Binance Smart Chain. Both $AIOZ ERC-20 and $AIOZ BEP-20 tokens can be bridged to tokens on the AIOZ Network through the AIOZ Bridge.

This article intends to assist $AIOZ holders who wish to engage in the staking process using the $AIOZ Native Web Wallet. The following sections will be included in this article:

  1. Overview of Validators Staking Program in AIOZ Network
  2. Create a $AIOZ Native Web Wallet
  3. Bridge $AIOZ ERC-20, BEP-20 to $AIOZ Native in AIOZ Network
  4. How to Delegate (Stake) your $AIOZ Native
  5. Claim Your Staking Rewards
  6. Undelegate Your Staking
  7. AIOZ Network — Validators Staking Program

AIOZ Network is a Cosmos-based blockchain that utilizes a Proof-of-Stake mechanism in conjunction with the Tendermint dBFT consensus engine to secure the network.

In this consensus model, staking is integral to demonstrate a secure and robust network.

Delegators will mainly delegate $AIOZ to validators on the AIOZ Network and secure the network through the proof of stake process.

Delegators will receive a portion of the rewards and fees associated with their delegated validators by verifying and finalizing transactions to establish a blockchain block.

This staking program incentivizes AIOZ holders to stake their tokens to earn rewards, thereby further increasing the network’s security. Since the number of prizes is distributed evenly among the blocks, those that join the program early will have a better chance of collecting higher APY.

2. AIOZ Network — Create AIOZ Native Web Wallet

  • Access
  • Follow the steps to create AIOZ Native wallet on AIOZ Wallet
  • Transfer $AIOZ ERC-20, AIOZ BEP-20 to the newly created wallet in AIOZ Web Wallet
  • Switch Network to check the balance of $AIOZ ERC-20 or BEP-20

3. Bridge $AIOZ ERC-20, BEP-20 to $AIOZ Native in AIOZ Network

  • Currently, the Staking Program only supports $AIOZ Native on AIOZ Network, so $AIOZ ERC-20 and BEP-20 token holders need to Bridge Assets to $AIOZ Native before participating in the staking process. You can skip this step if you hold $AIOZ Native on AIOZ Network.
  • Transfer $AIOZ ERC-20 or $AIOZ BEP-20 to the $AIOZ wallet

Steps to Bridge $AIOZ ERC-20 or $AIOZ BEP-20 to $AIOZ

  • Step 1:
  • Choose the right blockchain network for the asset class (AIOZ ERC-20 or AIOZ BEP-20)
  • Select the tab “Bridge” in Your Wallet
  • Step 2: Select Bridge Direction
  • Step 3: Enter the amount of $AIOZ that you want to bridge

The Bridging Assets Process will take you 1–3 mins, depending on network traffic

4. How to Delegate (Stake) your $AIOZ Native

  • Switch to the AIOZ Network
  • Select the Staking tab in Your Wallet
  • Choose a Validator to Delegate
  • Add Delegation

5. Claim your Staking Rewards

  • View your “Staking History” Section
  • View “Your Active Delegation”
  • Click to open Delegation Details > Claim Rewards
  • Rewards will be transferred directly to your wallet

6. Undelegate Your Staking

  • View “Staking History” Section
  • View “Your Active Delegation”
  • Click to open Delegation Details > Click “Undelegate”
  • Enter the amount that you want to undelegate.
  • Note: The unbonding delegation process will take 28 days to complete.
  • You can verify the status of unbonding delegations by viewing “Unbonding Delegations”.
  • You can view the details of previous delegations by visiting “Delegations History”.
  • You may view the rewards you’ve claimed by selecting “Claimed Rewards” from the Staking History menu.

About the AIOZ Network

AIOZ Network is an Infrastructure Web3 Media Blockchain.

AIOZ Network is a Layer-1 Interoperable Blockchain compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine Smart Contracts built on Solidity. It works with the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, allowing it to connect to and exchange data and more with other COSMOS-based blockchains.

The AIOZ Network Blockchain enables 1-Click Porting of Interoperable dApps, provides Instant Finality with Low TX fees while leveraging a Multi-Chain Architecture with Infinite Horizontal Scalability.

As a Web3 Peer-to-Peer Nodes-Powered Distributed Decentralized Content Delivery Network (dCDN), AIOZ Network rewards Edge Nodes’ computational resources for storing, transcoding, and streaming digital media content.

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AIOZ Network
AIOZ Network

AIOZ Network is an Infrastructure Web3 Media Blockchain.