AIPE Monthly Report, June 2019

Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019

Summer is full of long days, chirping cicadas and almost unbearable heat waves.

Amidst the sweltering heat of June, let’s look at what we’ve done to build the AIPE project further.

Deep Reward 101 Bootcamp

As another example of how AIPE continually contributes to the AI Community through its outreach program, AIPE held an AI boot camp on the 22nd of June in Korea. AI engineers from other companies were taught about reinforcement learning to apply onto popular game StarCraft 2.

AI Deep Reward 101 snap pictures

Participants in the boot camp came out gaining a greater understanding of AI and its use cases.

They were also given the opportunity to network with their peers within the community.

Explaining the Demo Code

3PIKS Random Roulette Event (@China)

In China, AIPE’s 3PIKS service held a roulette event that is targeted at Chinese users from June 27th to 28th.

By paying 1000 AI, users can spin the roulette once and stand to win fantastic prizes. With rewards ranging from 500 AIPE, MAC lipstick, and even an iPhone XS Max!

With more events slated for 3PIKS , keep an eye out for more chances to redeem your AI with fantastic prizes.

New Service Coming Soon

Since the grand opening of 3PIKS, we have attracted almost 6000 users. Given the surge in demand, we are hard at work to bring in new updates to accommodate this change.

AIPE Team Meeting 🤫

We’re also wracking our brains thinking of a new brand concept and a name for this new service. Think you have a great name for us? Let us know in the comments!

Expected to be cooler and way more fun, the new service will combine both 3PIKS (reward platform) and AIBitBip (crypto price information).

We hope to present the new service soon.

Thank you again for your support. Like you, we’re just as excited to see what the AIPE project has in store for all of us.

