AIPE Quarterly Report(2019 3Q)

Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2019

The warm months of August to October saw the AIPE team continue its hard work in developing its new service, CLUE. Through intensive research and the update of its AI private models, the team was able to make significant progress.

1) Development of CLUE

Remember the CLUE service that we talked about in July’s monthly report? CLUE is a multi-purpose application that pushes crypto prices, news and AI price predictions directly to its users as reports. The platform also comes in-built with a price prediction game.

Screenshot of ‘CLUE’

The team has finished developing the basic functions of CLUE and has started running alpha tests within the company.

If all goes according to plan, CLUE is expected to launch on 4Q of 2019.

2) Update of AI prediction research information

Apart from the public AI models provided by the 3PIKS service, we have also consistently maintained research into different AI model types. On top of algorithms forecasting rise or fall fluctuations on the market, we have started to create AI models that can predict exact prices. We have also used RL (Reinforcement Learning) as an algorithm method to complement our models’ machine learning foundation and are currently testing these new models within the company.

Interested parties can check the AI prediction research blog on our CosmicBC Reddit page as well as the new AI’s price prediction history log in our Medium channel.

3) Events

AIPE X CoinBene

We held an event in conjunction with CoinBene from the 26th of September to the 6th of October.

Rewards were awarded to users who bought AIPE with the highest prices and trading volume respectively within an allocated timeframe. All winner details and rewards will be posted on CoinBene within 15 working days after the end of the event.


The AIPE team is currently planning its next 3PIKS Swap Event that is expected to happen during the period of CLUE’s launch. Keep your eyes peeled for its debut!

We will continue to share our progress reports and work hard for the benefit of all AIPE supporters. Follow our social channels below, to stay abreast of our latest news! 😊

