Aira-NFB Partnership Flourishes at Recent NFB California Convention

Michael Dabney
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2016
A 99-year-old attendee at the NFB California Convention tries Aira for the first time.

Aira´s partnership with the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) continues to flourish at a steady pace. The latest example is Aira´s participation at NFB California´s state convention near Los Angeles in October which saw Aira support this dynamic annual event through roundtable discussions and presentations involving Aira technology and services. In addition, through NFB memberhip participation at the event, the company´s product demos resulted in 25 blind and visually impaired attendees signing up as participants for Aira´s Explorer launch which is set for later this year.

¨Aira was definitely a hit at the NFB California convention,¨ says Aira advisor and noted NFB member, Michael Hingson, who spoke at the event. ¨The enthusiasm about the product was high, including among leaders from the NFB who tried the product and then signed up as Aira Explorers. The fact that Aira consults directly with blind people and organizations such as NFB about the service will help Aira create the best and most functional product possible.”

New Aira Explorers, Kayle and Tiffanny (center), proudly display their Aira t-shirts.

Terming Aira a ¨game changer¨ in the field of assistive technology, Michael adds: “Aira is the most significant new development for blind people since Ray Kurzweil developed the Kurzweil Reading Machine in the 1970s. Aira provides information whether it be for travel, working on the job, studying at school or college, performing tasks around the house, or accessing any information you can think of which helps the visually impaired perform any task. It levels the playing field where accessing data is concerned by making this information available immediately to blind people through the use of specially trained Aira remote agents.”

The following comments were not uncommon at the convention after attendees tried Aira for the first time:

— “With Aira, I feel confident traveling and it just really enhanced my ability to get to where I need to go without having to guess.” — Ever Lee

— “It brought tears to my eyes.” — Angela

— “It was an amazing experience, just the feeling of freedom.” — Kyra

— “It’s that perfect solution that I’ve always wanted.” — Harrison

— “Aira allows me to see in the way that I used to see” — Lisa

Ever Lee Hairston, President of NFB California, experiences the benefits of Aira during her demo trial at the event.

The convention signals further collaboration between NFB and Aira, says Amy Bernal, Director of Agent Services at Aira. ¨The event saw the two organizations further strengthen ties with each other, spelling meaningful advantages for both of us as we move forward.¨ She adds: ¨We want to particularly thank NFB California leaders and members — including Ever Lee Hairston, President — for their support in making the showcasing of our product at the convenvention a success. In addition to members of the NFB, others including state officials, also tried Aira and were impressed by its potential.”

Using information provided by a trained remote agent, a new Aira Explorer reviews his hotel bill at the convention.
Enjoying nature up close: A new user gets a detailed description from her agent of the fish that populate this scenic pond at the convention.

