Hello? Is it Me You’re Looking For: Increasing Conversions through Scalable Landing Pages

airasia super app
AirAsia MOVE Tech Blog
5 min readJan 24, 2021

By Nalina Madhav C and Sharan J. M

Building high-conversion custom landing pages in minutes that will entice the customers and reduce customer acquisition costs.

Imagine this: You pay top dollars to create a compelling advertising campaign, promote it on various digital channels, attract thousands of clicks, but still receive very few conversions. How do we keep the user’s attention focused on the product offering and minimize the distractions in the user’s funnel?

Before we get into the problem, it is crucial to understand the difference between a homepage, landing pages, PPC (Pay-per-click) campaign pages.

Homepage — The homepage forms the main website for your business. It sets the stage to promote all the products that the business offers. It will have a lot of information about your business or line of businesses. It’s the entry point where the user starts the journey to find what they are looking for.

Landing pages — Landing pages lead targeted customers to a specific product line via a link through an email, social media posts or any other advertising campaigns. Its main goal is to try and convert the visitors through relevant product offers. This helps to improve the conversion funnel and receive profitable Return on Investment (ROI) by focusing on a specific intent to inspire.

PPC campaign pages — Web pages that are dedicated to a specific campaign where we pay a certain amount of money each time a user clicks on the ads. In short we pay to buy visitors to these campaign pages rather than earning the visitors. Digital marketers pay millions of dollars every year for such ads to drive traffic. It is therefore crucial to maximize the conversion rate and improve Return on Investment.

The Problem:

Acquiring new customers is as expensive as the cost incurred in retaining existing customers. The digital marketing team has to consider not just the customer acquisition but also the entire customer experience. So we tend to allocate a big budget to campaigns or ads for running on every popular social media. But most of the time these campaigns redirect the users to the homepage which is not necessarily for a specific campaign. Homepage does drive visitors but the main intent of homepage is to let users discover all the products and services that your company offers.This distracts the users and results in lower conversion.

Having dedicated landing pages that retain the context of the ads seen by the user will lead to better conversion.

The airasia.com website has many campaign pages for different lines of business. Our analysis has shown that the sweet spot for higher conversion rates is about 10 to 15 landing pages. Now the challenge here is you need to invest a significant amount of time to develop these landing pages before they can go live. Limited resources can further delay the launch. A lot of time and effort is required and is certainly not cost effective. For instance, there are 15 landing pages that are to be created and say some of the pages look similar with only the content being different, the effort is redundant.

As a marketing manager in a big organization, you may need to:

  • Run hundreds of campaigns every year
  • Build hundreds of landing pages that need significant time and effort
  • Continually optimize SEO
  • Cross-sell and upsell complementary products to users
  • Constantly strive to reduce customer acquisition cost


A platform that empowers any non-tech user to create new SEO friendly landing pages within minutes with a simple configurable option.

The Affiliate Platform

With the Affiliate platform, creating landing pages for desktop and mobile web is made easy with minimal development efforts. The platform has the capability to create the pages exactly the way we want it by defining the page template and the campaign specific content. It has tremendously helped the marketing team to bring down redundant efforts, maximize productivity and improve Return On Investment.

Custom Landing Pages

The platform enables us to create new custom landing pages within minutes and with minimal effort.

This will allow us to create landing pages based on the advertisement campaigns thereby making sure that we maintain the user’s context when the user is redirected when they click on the ads. Maintaining the user’s context will in turn result in better conversion from the advertisement campaigns thereby reducing the customer acquisition cost.

We can create both short term and long term campaign pages based on the needs of the business.

SEO Benefits

Having a specific product category or campaign-specific landing pages will help to drive quality traffic. Over a period of time, the marketers will create thousands of landing pages with relevant keywords which inturn attracts relevant traffic to our websites, thereby increasing our SEO ranking.

To improve the user search experience, we have to make sure that our website stands out in the result. This can be achieved by having relevant meta tags. The platform allows us to easily configure seo related meta tags for each landing page.


Tens of thousands of users purchase flights on a daily basis and as we pivot to providing more services like hotels, duty-free products, and so on there are plenty of opportunities for us to cross-sell complementary products and services. Also, there are plenty of opportunities to partner with other companies and upsell our products and services. For example, we can tie up with a Forex company or a bank to show airasia.com products to their customers.

However in order to do this, additional development efforts may be required in the booking confirmation page, manage booking page, email template, and so on.

This problem is resolved by developing the scriptlet capability on our platform. All we need to do is inject the scriptlet into any page that we need and voila — the work is done. We can start showing complementary products to the users in various phases of their journey — both within and outside our ecosystem. The platform supports both static and dynamic data feeds — thereby allowing us to show personalized landing pages with product recommendations based on the user intent.

Supersale campaign page — This is the first successful campaign page launched using “The Affiliate Platform”

This platform is developed on top of “The COSMOS Platform” and leverages all its features out of the box and therefore the features offered by the Affiliate Platform are nearly limitless.

You can check out “The COSMOS Platform” here — https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/success-story-cosmos-platform-naveen-s-r/



airasia super app
AirAsia MOVE Tech Blog

The product and people stories behind ASEAN’s fastest growing travel and lifestyle super app.