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AirAsia MOVE Tech Blog
The people and product stories behind Asean’s leading OTA
Introducing a blend of convenience and security with Passkey authentication on web.
Introducing a blend of convenience and security with Passkey authentication on web.
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system, ensuring that the person or system attempting to access a…
Joojo Dadzebo Amoquandoh Dontoh -
Aug 4
Improving developer experience with internal tooling at Airasia
Joojo Dadzebo Amoquandoh Dontoh -
How we transformed the AirAsia Superapp into AirAsia Move. — A Tech Journey!
Caeser Bakabulindi
How Airasia revamped its user portal.
Joojo Dadzebo Amoquandoh Dontoh -
How we built the “Favourites” feature on the Airasia superapp.
Joojo Dadzebo Amoquandoh Dontoh -
Spinning up an API Gateway with DBLess Kong Gateway
Rakib Al Hasan
CQRS: Data Sync Using Pub/Sub
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