Alex Aleinikoff on Displaced: creating a new refugee regime

The Airbel Impact Lab Staff
The Airbel Impact Lab
4 min readMay 1, 2018


Former United Nations Deputy High Commissioner on Refugees Alex Aleinikoff remains optimistic about prospects for a solution to the refugee crisis. “The numbers are very large, and the times that people stay in exile has gone up dramatically,” he tells Displaced hosts Grant Gordon and Ravi Gurumurthy on this week’s episode. “On the other hand, in a world of seven billion people, 20 million refugees…and 40 million internally displaced people…are entirely manageable numbers. We need to talk about the huge needs of the people who have fled. But at the same time, if the world got together and really wanted to do something…this would be solved.”

Alex Aleinikoff

The lynchpin to any durable solution to the refugee crisis is creating mechanisms for states to equitably share the burden of caring for and resettling refugees. Perhaps not surprisingly, this discussion looks a lot like negotiations on how to distribute responsibility for another global ill: Climate change. Some have proposed a cap-and-trade system on refugees; others have put forward formulas that would take into account a state’s historical acceptance of refugees, ability to resettle new refugees, or share of blame in creating a refugee crisis when determining refugee allocations.

In this episode, Aleinikoff shares why he thinks those proposals are quixotic, and describes an alternative solution to spur states to work together on refugees. And we dissect some of the arguments in Aleinikoff’s forthcoming book, The Arc of Protection: Toward a New International Refugee Regime, including how the context in which UNHCR was created has shaped how it responds to refugees, whether to expand the formal definition of refugee to include all forced migrants, and why one of the most promising and innovative solutions to the refugee crisis is to boost refugees’ mobility by enabling them to travel outside countries of first asylum.

Read some of the sources that informed this episode of Displaced:

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The Airbel Impact Lab Staff
The Airbel Impact Lab

The research & innovation arm of the International Rescue Committee. We design, test, scale life-changing solutions for people affected by conflict & disaster.