The SCAN tool: Increasing reach & effectiveness with limited budgets

Caitlin Tulloch
The Airbel Impact Lab
2 min readMar 20, 2020


Increasing numbers of people are in critical need of aid and more funds are needed more than ever. It is crucial that funding is directed towards the right programs: cost-effective interventions that have the biggest impact for the most people.

Staff from IRC and Mercy Corps test the SCAN 2.0 tool in Uganda in January 2020.

Whilst there is no shortage of motivation to find cost-effective ways to deliver assistance, current methods for assessing cost efficiency are inconsistent, time consuming, and leave room for error. The low quality of data means that implementers are hesitant to share efficiency data, perpetuating the lack of evidence about what approaches make the most difference in the lives of our clients per dollar spent.

The Systematic Cost Analysis (SCAN) tool is a web-based software which allows field staff to conduct rigorous and rapid cost-efficiency analyses of their programs, by re-using existing accounting and monitoring data. Originally developed by the IRC, a group of five NGOs including Accion Contra el Hambre, CARE, Mercy Corps, and Save the Children — came together in 2018 to build SCAN 2.0. This new version is compatible with any financial system and stores data from different NGOs separately and securely.

On March 13, the SCAN Consortium and Stichting Vluchteling hosted an event highlighting the experiences of three INGOs using SCAN to address questions about value-for-money in the field, and use SCAN results to inform program decision-making. Videos from these webinar sessions is available below.

Introductory Remarks by David Miliband

Session 1: The Challenges of VfM Analysis in Humanitarian & Development Work

Slides from this presentation are available here.

Session 2: Technology & Data Innovation in Implementing Agencies

Slides from this presentation are available here.

Session 3: Case Studies of SCAN for Performance Management

Slides from this presentation are available here.

Session 4: Case Studies of SCAN for Sectoral Learning

Slides from this presentation are available here.

Session 5: Donor & Implementer Perspectives on a VfM Learning Agenda

Slides from this presentation are available here.

Session 6: Keynote on SCAN and the Grand Bargain

Learn more about the SCAN tool, or contact Caitlin Tulloch ( for further information.



Caitlin Tulloch
The Airbel Impact Lab

Development economist, lover of pre-modern history and contact sports.