Airbloc’s 2021 technology and business development overview

Airbloc Protocol
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2021

Dear community,

We would like to share an update on the technological and business developments of Airbloc through this article.

As a B2B service, Airbloc focuses on building and operating an inter-company data exchange platform usable by companies in Airbloc’s data consortium.

The first part to this service is a personal data consent management system.

The personal data consent management system is configured so that companies can obtain consent from individuals to collect, use, and provide data, and manage personal consent information using various IDs (eg ADID, hashed email, etc.) .

Airbloc’s Personal Consent Management System makes it easy for businesses to collect, use, and manage data from customers, allowing individuals to benefit from providing consent or simply withdraw consent from the service. To achieve this, Airbloc provides an API and a server-to-server (S2S) data exchange interface so that companies can make good use of their personal consent management system.

The second part of this is the inter-company data exchange system.

The inter-company data exchange system helps to exchange real-time, server-to-server (S2S) data between companies when the data of users who have agreed to collect, use, and provide the data. Companies that have joined the data consortium can use Airbloc’s inter-company data exchange system to conveniently exchange and utilize the data they need in real-time and in batches.

Airbloc applies this product within a data consortium with various participating companies such as major domestic card companies, department stores, e-commerce search platforms, travel-related platforms, and second-hand product trading platforms.

Throughout this process, consent information for data collection, use, and provision through the personal data consent management system is also registered on-chain. This has resulted in a large number of on-chain transactions. These on-chain transaction contents can be directly checked through the following links:

1. Registering to save/manage new user information:

2. Storing/managing consent for data collection, use, and provision:

In this way, Airbloc this year established a B2B data exchange platform to allow companies to exchange data they want.

Here are some key facts and numbers for 2021:

-Supporting enterprises to exchange more than 300 million real-time data

-As of August 2021, more than 1.94 million individual consents have been secured and related data stored on the blockchain

-Using the above data to create real-world use cases of data among data consortium companies such as targeted marketing campaigns.

-Sale of statistical information to research and data analytics companies to monetize data (commercial area analysis data, B2B2C marketing use data, stock investment analysis data, etc.)

Currently, the secondary data consortium has been expanded and launched, and it is expected that the utilization of the system developed by Airbloc will be higher than that of the primary data consortium. In addition, the consent system for personal data collection and use is also being updated through internal development.

Currently, blockchain technology has been used only for platforms with B2B characteristics, but in the future, blockchain technology will also be applied to B2C services. In particular, through the B2C service, we plan to enhance the utility of the ABL token. This will be more visible through the linkage with the B2C service ecosystem. (See Additional Notice)

In addition, since Airbloc is currently operating based on Klaytn’s blockchain platform, we are currently discussing future product development directions with GroundX·Klaytn.

We will continue to share major development updates with the community as they become available.

Thank you.

Airbloc Team

