OpenAir is back for 2015

The Airbnb Tech Blog
2 min readMay 7, 2015

We are excited to announce that Airbnb will be hosting our annual tech conference, OpenAir. We’ll be hosting it on June 4th at CityView At The Metreon from 9:00am — 7:00 pm.

OpenAir is the premier tech conference that focuses on creating engineering solutions to the challenges of matching. The brightest minds in the industry will come together to tackle such issues as search and discovery, trust, internationalization, mobile, and infrastructure.

We have representation from a broad swatch of companies speaking at OpenAir — Netflix, Stripe, Periscope, LinkedIn, Etsy, Pinterest, Lyft, HomeJoy, Watsi, Instagram, Facebook, and

This year we’ll have more technical talks and we’ll hear about Scaling from Instagram co-founder, Mikey Krieger, Innovation at Netflix from Carlos Gomez-Uribe, Reaching underserved communities from Watsi co-founder, Grace Garey, and Building Periscope from Sara Haider — among many others.

Attendees will get access to technical talks, hands-on sessions and thought-provoking discussions to help you break through some of your own engineering challenges and projects. Throughout the day there will be time to network with local engineers, take part in interactive sessions, drop in for lightning talks, and meet the speakers.

Registration is $50 and all proceeds from registration fees will be donated to CODE2040.

CODE2040 is a nonprofit organization that creates programs that increase the representation of Blacks and Latino/a in the innovation economy. CODE2040 believes the tech sector, communities of color, and the country as a whole will be stronger if talent from all backgrounds is included in the creation of the companies, programs, and products of tomorrow.

Please register here.



The Airbnb Tech Blog

Creative engineers and data scientists building a world where you can belong anywhere.