Enzyme’s Next Phase

Joe Lencioni
The Airbnb Tech Blog
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

In 2016, Airbnb released Enzyme, our React component testing library. In the following 4 years, the project has amassed more than 18,000 stars, and over 340 contributors. GitHub also tells us that Enzyme is used by over 230,000 repos and 24,000 packages, and npm reports that it is downloaded around 2 million times each week.

The community’s response to this project has been astounding, to say the least. Much of Enzyme’s success is the result of the vibrant React community opening and commenting on actionable issues and submitting quality pull requests. All of your contributions have directly contributed to this project’s success—we could not have done this without you.

This community is largely the reason why we are excited to announce that we will transfer ownership of Enzyme to the new enzymejs GitHub organization. We believe that this new home will help the project continue to support the community’s needs well into the future. The success here has moved beyond Airbnb as a single org and it’s time for our baby to be launched as a successful adult.

Internally at Airbnb, Enzyme has been a catalyst for better frontend test coverage and is currently used in over 17,000 tests. While other options like React Testing Library have gained traction within Airbnb, we will still be using and contributing to Enzyme for the foreseeable future. If you want to help Enzyme grow, please check out the open issues and pull requests — the “help wanted” tag is a great starting point.



Joe Lencioni
The Airbnb Tech Blog

Web infrastructure at @airbnb. Making web since the 90s. Co-created happo.io. he/him Minnesotan, liberal, dad. Follow @lencioni on Twitter.