Boost Your Income and Become a Superhost on Airbnb

Light Up Travel
Airbnb Hacks
Published in
12 min readMay 6, 2019

In the last 6 months, I have stayed with more than 50 hosts and superhosts from different countries, with different cultures, families and spaces of all kinds. With all this experience as a humble observer, I will go into great detail to help you become a superhost, improve the quality of your service, increase your reservations per month so you can make more money with your place.

You will be able to transform the appearance of your place, it will go from being a simple “lodging” to being a “home” for the guests of Airbnb.

Before getting to it, I would like to mention that it is not a condition to have a “luxury space” to be a superhost or offer a quality service.

Another aspect to consider is the difference between offering an entire place for your guests, or offering a private or shared room in your home or apartment.

With this in mind, I’m going to list the 7 Phases of the Airbnb Host Service so you can organize yourself better and take all my recommendations during all the hosting process.

If you have not yet created a host account on Airbnb, enter this link so you can calculate how much money you could earn in your first month by offering your host service and create your account now

Disclosure: This is a referral link that gives me some credit to continue traveling, and will not change your experience.

Let’s begin!

PHASE 1: Polish your listing

A. THE PHOTOS: Add photos from all areas of your space, and add a caption in each explaining what it is about. I recommend you take the pictures during the day and with sunlight to give a warm and welcoming tone to your space. If your space has an incredible view, take that photo during sunset. Also, make sure to clean before the pictures!! Some host forget to do this.

The angle of the photos is important, you do not want to take a picture with the broom and the bottle of bleach in the background or post the picture of the bathroom with the reflection of your body in the mirror.

You don’t need a professional camera to take professional photos, but it doesn’t hurt. Your time invested will be rewarded.

Remember, photos are the FACE you present to potential guests, and play an extremely important role in the desirability of your listing.

If you do not have much experience taking pictures and would like to see examples to guide you better when you take them out and to choose the cover photo for your listing, check out this article where I give you my best tips.

Note the lighting, warm colors and composition

B. THE DESCRIPTION: The first paragraph of the description of your ad is very important. It should capture attention and mention all the advantages of your space. For example, if it is well located, if it is close to a resort, beach or other tourist destination, and how far away if so. Make sure you write all the information in a clear, professional and detailed way.

Check this examples:

Note: If your space is far from the city center or is a bit difficult to access, like a cabin or country house, I recommend that you offer detailed directions to the place. You can also send an even more detailed message including various modes of transport to the guest after they book, and prepare this message for all guests ahead of time.

Cabins, bungalows and cottages are usually very attractive and much sought after nowadays. The guests don’t come just for a place to sleep, they are looking for a experience, vacations, relax, adventure and nature connection. So, the way you present your space should offer those needs.

If you want to check my suggestions about how to present it, I wrote another article about it. Follow the right indications and you can get a lot of revenue from that family cabin or country house that you almost do not use.

C. YOUR AMENITIES: Ammenities are like the services your home provides, such as kitchen, washing machine, beds, TV, and more. C that the amenities you have listed are correct and you have not missed any. It may be worth buying a hair dryer, as many guest see this as a selling point or deal breaker.

D. EDIT YOUR PROFILE. Take a few minutes to fill out your profile and tell a little more about yourself. It does not have to be formal, write as if you were talking to a friend!

If you talk different languages, don’t forget to add it, some people feel more comfortable to send a message and booking if you talk their language.

PHASE 2: Give value to your messages when you receive reservation requests

The pre-booking communication is key. It means your future “guest” may be evaluating several options at the same time and the information that they are requesting will make the difference in choosing you or another host with the same characteristics and price range. A seasoned guest may want to make sure you are an active user on Airbnb, as I have dealt with requesting a booking that never was answered.

1. The response time is very important, try to respond immediately. The guest will soon go with another host who has messages him first to alleviate their concerns. Do not wait more than 8 hours to answer, there may be guests interested in booking for the same day or the next day.

2. Greet and respond with the information requested. Do not hesitate to give extra details and use an warm language, just as you were talking with your friends.

It is not enough to just answer the question. Mention some exciting information about the area or ask a little more about the reason for your guest’s trip. Start a friendly conversation and they will remember you when deciding where to stay.

Here is an example:

3. Stay connected until they walk through the door!

PHASE 3: Before Check-in

A. Coordinate with your guest one day before the check-in is done

Make sure you provide all the information and your cell or Whatsapp number through Airbnb chat, as this is easier for guests. If your guest is a foreigner, they probably will not have an internet connection when you arrive in your space. It is extremely important to provide them with all the instructions to arrive on time and ask them to give you an arrival time when they know it.

I also recommend that you ask your guest what languages ​​he can speak fluently, since it may be the case that he is using a translator to send his messages when he does not speak your language.

Why it is important? Because at the time of check-in you can give a better welcome. In case your host does not speak the same language as you, look for someone you know who can help you translate or who can accompany you at the time of the reception.

NOTE: If your space is located far away from the city where there is no internet connection or it does not have an exact address, it would be more convenient to share the location in Google Maps.

If you have more time available and you can receive them yourself or guide them from the closest location to your accommodation, it would be the best option.

B. Preparations for your guest

Prepare a document with a the list of instructions for using your space, and any rules you have. Print it and leave it in full view of the guest in the room or in the living room.

Here is a check-list so you don’t forget anything that could be helpful to your guest:

  • The exact address of the place
  • WhatsApp contact number
  • Network name and WiFi password
  • Instructions for proper use of air conditioning or heating
  • Instructions for using the stove or oven correctly
  • Instructions if necessary of the washer or dryer
  • If your space is located in a condominium or apartment, be sure to also place the rules and regulations of this condominium, so that the guest can know how to use common services such as gym, pool, common room, billiard room , jacuzzi, among others.
  • Be sure to leave instructions so that the guest can dispose of the trash or deposit it in the correct container.
  • If in your area the separation of organic and inorganic waste is carried out, as well as the recycling of plastic, make sure to place these instructions so that the guest can handle this information well and make good use of their waste.
  • Quiet hours for the apartment building.
  • TIP: List suggestions or recommendations for Food Delivery
  • TIP: List information of the nearest supermarkets or food stores
  • TIP: List information of nearest ATMs.
  • Place a final message asking for a 5 star evaluation if they liked the service. Example: If you liked the stay and the service provided, leave us your evaluation on Airbnb.

C. Special recommendation

I recommend you leave a little something for your guest, what do I mean? You can make a card or leave a handwritten message, a candy, a chocolate, or fresh fruit that the visitor can appreciate the moment he arrives in your space; something that you think might motivate them to take a moment to breathe, leave the luggage, and feel at home. Also put a bottle of water in the fridge for each guest if your home is in a warm climate. This small gesture is greatly appreciated by the thirsty traveler.

PHASE 4: The Check-in day

A. Check your check-list: Below is a second checklist of all the details that you should have ready for the moment you receive your guest.

  1. Make sure everything is clean
  2. Make sure you’re leaving garbage bags
  3. Make sure you are leaving toilet paper available for the time your guests will stay.
  4. Make sure you have clean sheets, towels, and bedding.
  5. Be sure to leave a broom and a dustpan so your guests have the possibility to clean.
  6. Make sure to also leave a dish soap and a sponge to clean the kitchen utensils.
  7. Make sure you have placed all the amenities you put on your listing. The lask think you would want is forget to put bath soap when you listed it in the amenities.
  8. Have a set of keys ready to be delivered.
  9. If your space is located in a condominium or apartment, be sure to speak with a concierge so they know that guests will come to your apartment. Depending on the rules of your building, you may have to register their information in advance, so don’t wait until the last minute.
  10. Prepare your small present for the guest (if you so choose).
  11. Place the information sheet and instructions in a visible place.
  12. READY! You have everything to receive your guest!

B. Receive your guests:

Give them a warm welcome, be sure to mention all the relevant information about the accommodation and show them the space. Communicate that you are leaving a printed list of instructions and information useful to them.

REMEMBER. If there is a trick with the key or some details that only you know as the owner of the place, mention them. Good luck!

PHASE 5: During the stay of your guest.

A. If it is an entire accommodation for the guest: Make sure you are aware if your guests have any problems. It is not common for any damage to occur inside the house or apartment, however, you must be alert to give them a hand if the internet stopped working or if there was a problem with hot water, for example.

Knowing you are available makes guests feel secure.

B. If you share a private or shared room inside your house: Sharing your home means constant contact, and will require more of your time. Here is a list of tips you can use to provide better service as an in-home host:

  • Keep common spaces neat and tidy. For example, if you use the kitchen or if the bathroom is shared, be careful and be sure to set an example to your guests to avoid misunderstandings.
  • If your guests do not respect the order and cleanliness of the common areas, do not hesitate to communicate in a cordial way with them and remind them of the rules of the house.
  • If your guests ask you for help with some information about your city, support them with it, even more so when they are foreigners and do not handle the language well.
  • Share some dinner, lunch or dessert with them. This recommendation already depends a lot on the relationship you get to engage with them and the time you want to share with them.
  • Respect their space and privacy. This is very important to your professionalism. You will still share moments or activities with them as they open themselves to you.

PHASE 6: The check-out day

Communicate a day early to coordinate the departure time of your guests.

If you will not be there to say goodbye to your guests, be sure to give them all the instructions so they can leave everything in the correct conditions and the key in a safe place.

If you have the opportunity to say goodbye, I recommend that you ask for feedback on the service provided so you can improve constantly. Also, if there was some misunderstanding they can clarify it so you can even avoid being given a negative review you don’t deserve.

It doesn’t hurt to ask them to leave you an evaluation for your place, especially if they had a great experience and you’re new on Airbnb.

PHASE 7: Review your feedback, write down your ideas and go back to PHASE 1

A. Recommendation on evaluations

Normally a few days after the end of your guests’ stay, Airbnb will send you a notification to leave a review about your guest. Take a moment to leave it.

Why do I recommend it?

Because Airbnb will notify your guests that you have left a review, and they will naturally be curious and want to read it, so they will leave you a review too. Otherwise, guests often forget to leave a review in the time window, even if they would have left a good one.

Check all your weak points and make a list of them, along with ideas on how to improve your hosting. If necessary, modify the title and description of your listing from time to time to see what works best for you. Work to improve each of the phases in this article.

I wish you success as host. If you want to be a superhost, you will have to keep up this excellent service for some time and follow these Airbnb requirements:

  • Completed at least 10 trips or successfully completed 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights
  • Maintained a 50% review rate or higher
  • Maintained a 90% response rate or higher
  • Zero cancellations, with exceptions made for those that fall under our Extenuating Circumstances policy
  • Maintain a 4.8 overall rating
  • You don’t need to maintain a 50% review rate on Open Homes reservations to qualify for Superhost status.

For all these requirements, this article will help you achieve it in the shortest possible time. You will get more bookings every month and you can even increase the price you charge per night.

If you have not yet created your account, I encourage you now to take the first step, enter this official Airbnb link Start your experience, make friends from all over the world and enjoy the benefits of hosting hundreds of people! And have fun!



Light Up Travel
Airbnb Hacks

We are two beings shining the light of our love upon all reaches of this lifesphere! Douglas (USA) & Karelia (Perú). Current location: Quito, Ecuador.