How useful is college? Are you making the right choice for a bright career?

Dhanalakshmi Gogulamudi
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2021

For mature individuals who have a clear notion of what they want to achieve in school and their jobs; a college degree can be a terrific alternative. However, there are several drawbacks for young adults fresh out of school, particularly for those who do not yet have a clear understanding of their aims and desires. Some of you reading this article might have been to college, or you would be waiting to join one. But, let me ask you a question first. Do you think conventional colleges do justice to your education? Most of you who have experienced college and would indeed agree to one answer- No!

Let’s look upon some key characteristics of conventional colleges:

Burdensome Debt

The burdensome student loan debt that youngsters with a college degree are stuck with after graduation is their number 1 complaint. The larger the debt, the more valuable the degree. Students concerned about their financial situation may choose to spend two years at a public institution before moving to a more respected private university. The debt load has decreased, but it is still not zero.

Income that has been lost

Four years in education rather than four years in the workplace equates to four years without compensation. Working your way up the corporate ladder for four years, on the other hand, can pay off handsomely. Savings for four years can build up to a deposit for a house or other financial objective. Young individuals who work for four years rather than going to college may find themselves with a monetary nest egg rather than a mountain of debt.

Limited Experience in the Real World

Most of the colleges provide you with bookish and theoretical knowledge. Despite all the rhetoric about diversity, college students remain a very homogeneous bunch. Even study abroad programs pale in comparison to the adventure of autonomous foreign solo travel. College graduates, despite several attempts, leave their old university with little more preparedness for the actual world than their high-school peers. Young individuals who choose to travel, work, start a business, or master a craft are generally four years ahead of the curve when they join the real world.

Value Uncertainty

Some professions necessitate a college education. A college degree is required to be a doctor, scientist, engineer, or psychologist. Other vocations, on the other hand, do not necessitate a graduate degree. Any artistic pursuit, numerous technical occupations, and a plethora of other professions you might never have known of can be pursued directly after high school. An aspirant entrepreneur could be better off spending their tuition money in a new company. Furthermore, if you’ve picked a vocation that doesn’t require a university degree, the only benefit you’ll gain from college will be through networking. You won’t be able to make this assessment unless you’re certain of your job choice. However, most 18-year-olds are naturally unsure of their long-term life and professional ambitions.

So what is the correct choice for your career?

The answer is simple- AirCampus

Let’s begin with highlighting a simple point: Aircampus is not just a college but a community of ambitious students ready to head start their Careers.

Now you might be wondering how is Aircampus different from the conventional colleges?

Aircampus provides you with a 6–8 month full-stack development program that is based upon practical learning. What makes it even better is that Aircampus trains you to become industry-ready, and the quality of the education provided is top-notch. So you do not compromise with anything.

What do you pay? Nothing until you get a job. Moreover, in any case, you do not pay a fee of more than 1.5 lakhs. That is like a fraction of the conventional college fees.

So, now is the time to change the idea of going to conventional college for a degree worth lakhs which brings along a crippling debt that becomes a barrier in your career, and time to look at the wiser alternative of skipping college and making your future bright with the right choices.



Dhanalakshmi Gogulamudi
Editor for

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