Let’s give air quality the attention it deserves in 2018.

Nicolas Dosselaere
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2017

2017 was an exciting year for us. aircheckr was finally launched. For the first time, high quality real-time street level air quality data is available for Flanders! Moreover, the API provides AQ data for cities/communities (or lower detail) for Belgium and a huge amount of statistical information. Our website gives a nice overview of what aircheckr is capable of and what we want to achieve. Several customers started using aircheckr and also the media discovered us.

2018We will continue our endeavour. We will soon launch our prognosis models and some more widgets. Together with our partners, aircheckr is working hard to integrate air quality information into a wide range of services, applications or devices. At aircheckr we believe that this is the way forward. By integrating aircheckr into specific applications, you empower people to directly or indirectly make better decisions and take actions in order to breathe better air.

The aircheckr team wishes you a healthy 2018!

About aircheckr

Air pollution causes 467.000 deaths in Europe each year. Once a silent and underestimated killer, it is now recognized as the single biggest environmental health risk. But there is hope. Scientific research has shown that reducing your exposure to air pollution is effectively helping. But how to do that? aircheckr provides detailed outside air quality information and tools needed to effectively reduce your exposure. It empowers people to actively or passively make better decisions and take actions in order to breathe better air. People are no longer defenceless. Improving the air at home/office or car, or reducing your exposure during biking or exercising is now possible. Together with its partners, aircheckr is working hard to integrate air quality information into a wide range of services, applications or devices.

You want to try aircheckr yourself? Check www.aircheckr.com or even better sign up here.



Nicolas Dosselaere

Passionate about Maps, Air Quality & the Transition Process