In the beginning, there was everything.

Mauricio Diaz
Aire Libre
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2015

Post originalmente publicado en Aire Libre

“Maybe we were wrong from the start. In the beginning, there was everything.”

Yo en el Parque Nacional El Chico.

Una de las principales razones de ser de Aire Libre es el amor por la naturaleza. Por el irreemplazable, único y sanador sentimiento de atención plena, sin importar si es caminando, escalando, en bici, nadando, corriendo o meramente respirando su aire puro, que la naturaleza nos deja. Creemos que una constante dosis de dicho sentimiento es necesaria para poder ser humanos balanceados, plenos y felices. De allí nuestro interés de activar a la gente, a través de contenidos inspiradores, a reconectar con nuestro hogar, no el de ladrillos y cemento, el verdadero.

El video que les comparto en este blog post, además de ser hermoso, le da en el clavo a este concepto. Disfruten y compartan.


One of the main reasons of existence of Aire Libre is the love for nature. For the irreplaceable and unique feeling of mindfulness that nature gives us, regardless if it is by walking, hiking, on bicycle, swimming, running, or by merely breathing its pure air. We believe that a constant dose of that feeling is necessary for humans to be balanced and happy. Hence our interest in activating people, thru inspiring contents, to reconnect with our home, not the brick and mortar one, our true home.

The video I am sharing with you, on top of being amazing, its right on the spot describing this concept. Enjoy and share.

