#EachforEqual: what this means for Aire in 2020

Aire Life
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2020

International Women’s Day falls each year on the 8th March.

The 2020 theme is #EachforEqual and while the day itself passes quickly, the sentiment this aims to encourage — for all of us — is far longer-term.

A globally celebrated initiative, International Women’s Day marks the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, while also making a call to action for accelerating gender equality in the year ahead.

We captured some of our team’s thoughts on this year’s theme and what it means to them personally for 2020. Below, we share these with you:

For Meena, our Agile Coach:

‘To me, this is about embracing the differences in each one of us and what makes us truly unique. This will build a more inclusive world for everyone — a world where these differences do not translate to unequal access or lack of opportunity.’

For Becci, our Office Manager, #EachforEqual is about family:

‘It means teaching my nieces to expect equality and to always understand what it looks like.’

Becci and Meena at Aire

Wiki, one of our Software Engineers, has used the theme to consider her own way of thinking:

‘Sometimes conversations on equality can be hard, but I think it’s up to all of us to be open-minded and constantly questioning ourselves. I definitely want to question myself more in the year ahead: ‘am I being inclusive?’, ‘do I actually disagree or do I just not understand completely?’ and ‘is there a viewpoint I’m overlooking?’’

For Alexandra, our Marketing and Communications Manager, it’s about identifying the softer equalities we can all contribute to:

‘The sentiment behind International Women’s Day is important for all of us — and this theme perfectly encapsulates that. It’s not just the obvious things we can see or that we can track, we must also always strive for equality of thought, equality of voice and equality of opinion to really drive systemic change.’

For Jack, a Product Manager at Aire, it’s about finding common ground:

‘This means celebrating and encouraging our differences; we are all more similar than we often appreciate! I’ll be consciously applying this to all areas of my life in the year ahead.’

And finally for Andy, our Business Development Director:

‘My thoughts are with the women of the world who are stuck in extremist regimes and how they can become more progressive nations recognising equality in all human beings, regardless of being male or female.’

And later this month, we’re continuing our celebrations with the Aire Book Club: our choice is Caroline Criado Perez’s brilliant, award-winning book Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. A topic, and a cause, central to our work at Aire if we’re to make credit truly equitable for men and for women.

Help us add to the variety of voices and ideas we value here at Aire — view our open roles here.

Alex, on behalf of the Aire team.



Aire Life

We do hard things so people don’t have hard times. And we’re starting by fixing the income ecosystem — for everyone.