Marking World Mental Health Day

Aire Life
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2020

Our mental health matters. Not just on days like today — World Mental Health Day — but every day, for all of us.

In a year like no other, the importance of actively supporting our mental wellbeing feels all the more significant.

We’re a close-knit team here at Aire and central to this is the collective responsibility we share for looking out for each other. And as we shift to a remote-first approach to how we work, we’re all the more mindful that this requires intentional action and effort. That support may look different to bumping into a colleague in the office kitchen, but we can still be there for each other.

Encouraged by Mind’s campaign this year to take some time to focus on our own wellbeing, our team have shared their ‘one thing’ for better mental health — in the hope that we might inspire you too.

They are:

‘Carve out personal time for yourself each day — yoga or meditation, for example. Start small, it will get easier.’

Becci, Agile Facilitator

‘Writing out your schedule the night before for the next day (to set expectations) — and sleep.’

Andrew, Data Scientist

‘Seek out the fresh air. Keeping my mind healthy is about giving myself the time and space to reflect.’

Alex, Brand and Communications Lead

‘Listen to an audio book — it shuts out any negative thoughts you may be having. Take a walk in nature and call a friend to talk it through.’

Tara, Software Engineering Manager

‘Have clear days when you don’t do any work. Instead, pick up a favourite hobby and get outside — do something that resets the brain’.

Aneesh, Founder and CEO

‘Love someone. Listen to music. Dance to said music.’

Barnes, VP Finance and Legal

‘Make time to get outside, without tech, everyday. Walk, run, climb — it doesn’t matter, just clear your mind and focus on different distances. Breathe.’

Pete, Director of Product

‘Keep a daily journal to reflect on the day’s achievements and experiences. I chart how I’ve dealt with difficulty and what I’m excited and ambitious about.’

Jack, Senior Product Manager

‘Go for a long walk by yourself whenever you can.’

Meena, Agile Coach

‘Celebrate the small wins — take five minutes out of your day, each day, to do something nice for yourself and for others. Try not to say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a friend.’

Chris, Software Engineer

There is no health without mental health. You can find out more about World Mental Health Day, together with a wealth of resources, here.

— Alex, on behalf of Aire



Aire Life

We do hard things so people don’t have hard times. And we’re starting by fixing the income ecosystem — for everyone.