Wellbeing — The Aire Way

Aire Life
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021

Our Wellbeing Champions exist to promote good mental and physical health across the Aire team. We caught up with them to find out more.

Welcome Barnes, Becci and Wiki! Firstly, what is a Wellbeing Champion?

Barnes: People are not always comfortable speaking up about how they’re feeling; there can still be a stigma attached at work to having these conversations. Our remit is to put every employee at ease so they can share their feelings openly and without discrimination — we serve as an anonymous support system.

Becci: Yes, being available and visible to the team so people know they can talk with us openly is my favourite part of the role. And this has been especially important through the last year of lockdowns.

‘We serve as an anonymous support system’

Why does mental health matter to you?

Wiki: Over the years, I’ve struggled with my own mental health and I’ve also watched friends and family do so too. I’ve always found it super important to keep learning and talking about it. It’s why I chose to take a Mental Health First Aider course, which, supported by Aire, I completed last month.

Becci: I’ve experienced Imposter syndrome and the self-doubt that goes hand in hand with that. I’ve also been micromanaged in the past and feel very strongly that we need to share our experiences in order to help others speak up.

This year’s theme of ‘nature’ marks Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.

How can we best support our colleagues?

‘Most importantly, we need to build an environment where we can be open about mental health’

Wiki: You’d tell your colleagues if you broke your arm, so why shouldn’t you be able to tell them that you’re having a bad day? It’s our job to open up that conversation at Aire — most importantly, we need to build an environment where we can be open about our mental health. As Wellbeing Champions, our work is varied: from hosting Lunch and Learn sessions to raising awareness of the ability at Aire to take a mental health day without fear of judgement.

Barnes: It’s about making sure people are aware that we are a deserved part of their contract at Aire. Startup culture is, at times, not easy — our job is to make them know we’re here and to ensure that their work/life balance is supported.

Wiki, out in nature, during a recent trip to the Peak District.

What helps you to protect your own mental and physical wellbeing?

Becci: For me, it’s about knowing my limits. Human interaction can deplete me — so I know when to say no to invites. That takes self-awareness and I’m quick to decline events when I feel I’m becoming overwhelmed. Yoga, reading and the sea are some of my favourite things so I make sure to keep my everyday topped up with these whenever possible.

Wiki: I think awareness of what makes me work and what doesn’t. I know that if I don’t turn off after work or if I skip that run or walk that I had planned, I’ll feel more stressed and uncomfortable for a day or two. The impact builds. I also know that if I take at least ten minutes to draw something, meditate, or just step outside for some fresh air — it’ll give me a huge boost in mood.

Thank you to our Wellbeing Champions — this Mental Health Awareness Week, and every week. Find out more about life at Aire here.



Aire Life

We do hard things so people don’t have hard times. And we’re starting by fixing the income ecosystem — for everyone.