7 reasons why AirGap should be your Tezos based NFT wallet

Minting, collecting, and buying NFTs is only half of the equation. Having a good wallet to store them is another half. Though AirGap is protocol-agnostic, we integrated support for Tezos based NFTs in Dec 2021. So, If you are interested in collecting or investing in non-fungible tokens in the Tezos ecosystem, this post is specially and specifically written for you.

Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2022


Here are some reasons why we believe AirGap is the best Tezos based NFT wallet for both beginners and seasoned NFT collectors.

1. Security and offline storage

Imagine having a crystal by Doja (at the time of writing is the most expensive Tezos blockchain NFT sold to date) and then storing the private key to the NFT on a hot wallet. Is that wise? Probably, but not the best option in terms of security.

AirGap is the only software cold wallet solution available on the Tezos blockchain. It was implemented with optimum security in mind. It stores your private key offline, which in turn determines how secure your NFTs are. Cold wallets are more secure than hot wallets.

Hot wallets are good options to store funds and NFTs, but they are not the best option for valuable collectibles.

AirGap also has the dice-roll and coin-flip entropy generation for seed phrase creation which automatically shields you from things like RNG failure.

2. Cross-device

Accessing your NFTs from a desktop computer and a mobile device might be extremely useful in some situations. AirGap supports both the mobile, desktop and web versions of the wallet. This gives you a lot of flexibility for accessing your collectibles from any of your devices.

3. Easy access to Dapp for NFT staking

NFT staking involves locking your collectibles in a DApp to earn rewards, most times paid in the DApp’s native token.

As an alternative to simply keeping onto your NFT collection, you might stake them and receive yields on them, thereby providing you with a passive crypto income stream.

AirGap allows you to easily access any NFT-powered DApps on the Tezos blockchain using Beacon.

Beacon is the only interface that allows you to connect your Tezos wallet with a tezos decentralized application and interact with it.

The AirGap team is also the developers of Beacon. Therefore, any update or implementation made on Beacon will most likely get updated on AirGap before any other wallet.

4. Compatibility with the popular Tezos NFT marketplace

AirGap NFT support uses the Objkt API, which indexes almost all NFT platform contracts on the Tezos blockchain, making AirGap compatible with most NFTs on Tezos.

5. Self custody

Someone said If you do not own the private keys (also known as seed phrase), you are not the true owner of the funds. The same holds true for your NFTs.

AirGap is a self custody wallet that means you are the only one who has access and control over your digital assets, which include your collectible, not even the AirGap team cannot access your wallet.

6. Incredible UI

AirGap is primarily concerned with security, but we also recognize the necessity of providing an intuitive user interface and a good user experience. AirGap’s user-friendly interface makes it possible for even the most non-technical crypto newbies to get started utilizing and exploring the world of NFTs.

It doesn’t matter if you want to deposit XTZ to purchase NFTs, Mint, Burn, or connect to an NFT marketplace to make your first purchase of crypto art. AirGap makes these processes extremely simple to do.

7. Privacy

The ideas behind crypto are decentralization, anonymity, and privacy. In AirGap, we are concerned about all of those, and regarding privacy, we do not collect any personal information such as an address, name, email, or phone number.

In the age where big tech companies have monopolized and misused people’s personal information, we do not want to be associated with such. Because of that, we’ve designed AirGap in such a way it secures not only the user’s funds but also the user’s privacy.

Try it yourself and become part of the growing AirGap community.

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AirGap Wallet
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AirGap Vault
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