AirGap receives grant from the Tezos Foundation

The grant provided by the Tezos Foundations allows us to continue our work on AirGap and provide a secure mobile key handling system for the Tezos protocol and its ecosystem.

Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018


We will be able to further add features to AirGap and improve the current system in terms of security and usability. Our main goal is to further provide support and connect with integrators like decentralized apps, decentralized exchanges and wallet projects.

¬ Usability & Security improvements
AirGap has an approach on providing security without compromising usability, what we like to call accessible security. In order to reach our vision, there is still work to do.

¬ Integrations
Adoption should not come at the expense of security. We are actively looking for partners in the space of decentralized applications and exchanges as well as other wallet projects, to share our expertise and provide secure means of interacting with Tezos.

¬ Education
In order to further drive adoption, basic security practises need to be deeply embedded in the thinking of users. We will continue our previous work of giving workshops and webinars concerning topics like secure key handling, teaching how Tezos and blockchains work alike.

¬ Developer tools
The tools and libraries we are currently building are open source, and we will use the grant to further improve them and their documentation, making integrations easier and more straight-forward.

We are very excited to work closely together with Tezos and the Tezos Foundations and being able to provide a secure solution to handle private keys for endusers.

If you’re interested in following our process along the way you can join our Telegram group or follow us on Twitter.

Interested in AirGap? Stay in touch.

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