Beacon Android SDK Alpha Released

Beacon SDK the implementation of the tzip-10 standard is now available natively for developers on Android devices through the Kotlin implementation.

Pascal Brun
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2020


Beacon and the tzip-10 standard

The tzip-10 standard describes the interaction of a decentralized application with a wallet. Beacon SDK is the implementation of that standard, currently already available in the Typescript version for web developers and in use in multiple projects like AirGap as a wallet or Dexter from the dApp perspective.

Beacon Android SDK

With the release of the Beacon Android SDK, in a first step, more wallets can be onboarded.

👉 Beacon Android SDK GitHub

The Kotlin implementation of the Beacon SDK lays the groundwork for wallets like Magma to support tzip-10 natively on Android. With a completed integration, Magma wallet users will be able to interact with dApps in the Tezos ecosystem directly.

An example of how this would look like:

  • Users would open Dexter in their browser on Desktop
  • Click on “Connect Wallet”, a pairing QR code is shown
  • Open Magma wallet and scan the QR code
  • Accept the permissions for Dexter
  • Go on to create a transaction e.g. add liquidity on Dexter through the dApp in their browser
  • Transaction is prompted in Magma wallet on their mobile device, where it is signed and broadcasted
  • Dexter confirms the transaction and liquidity is added to the pool

Hopefully this will be soon reality with the great work the camlCase team is doing.

Beacon iOS SDK

Besides the Beacon SDK for Typescript and Kotlin, work on the Swift implementation has started as well. Providing the same functionalities as the other two implementations for native iOS app, closing the cycle of the three popular platforms for development.

Which wallets are currently compatible with tzip-10?

AirGap, Beacon Extension and Thanos are currently tzip-10 compatible with others in the works, take a look at the Beacon Website for an update list.

Do you want to try Beacon?

You can try out Beacon by using the Beacon Extension, Dexter Exchange and AirGap Wallet.

👉 Beacon Website
👉 Beacon SDK / Beacon SDK Documentation
👉 Beacon Extension
👉 Beacon Example dApp

Do you have any questions about Beacon? Join our Telegram group or directly reach out to us.

Interested in a secure wallet solution for Tezos ? Take a look at AirGap.

Beacon Website | GitHub | Telegram | AirGap Website | Twitter

