Beacon SDK v2.2.0 with An Improved User Interface

The latest Beacon SDK update brings many visual improvements for end users.

Published in
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


One of Beacon’s main shortcomings was the clunky user interface that end users were confronted with in the dApp when they paired their wallet or triggered an operation.

With Beacon SDK v.2.0 the onboarding interface was vastly improved and now offers a selection list for the various Beacon-compatible wallets.

Gone are the blocking alerts, new are the toasts

The goal of Beacon SDK v.2.2.0 was to remove the blocking alerts that were triggered on various Beacon actions and introduce toasts that provide a smoother user experience and offer additional information.

Permission Requests

Permission Requests now display the selected wallet name and icon with an immediate feedback of the request status with a wallet like Kukai or AirGap. When a permission has been granted, the toast expands with more information.

Operation Requests

The same toast is used for Operation Requests, showing a busy state in the dApp that requires confirmation of the user in their wallet.

Dark Mode, Errors, Debug mode and more

The latest Beacon SDK update also brings a few other improvements.

  • Dark Mode, The dApp developer can now choose between a “dark” and “light” color theme. This will change the look of both alerts and toasts.
  • Errors, the Beacon SDK now allows for RPC-Errors to be passed in the TRANSACTION_INVALID_ERROR response if the wallet provides error support.
  • Debug, new debug methods have been introduced.

A detailed changelog can be found here.

dApp developers

The APIs on the dApp and Wallet side stayed mostly the same. There may be some minor changes in the object structure, but the majority of the changes are internal and should not affect developers.

It is recommended to update dApps that were previously using the Beacon SDK v1 and v2 to add support for the new features introduced in v2.2. More information can be found in the Beacon SDK documentation.

For developers that are using the Taquito library and the BeaconWallet API upgrade to latest beta version to get access to the v2.2 features.

Do you want to try Beacon?

You can try out Beacon by using Spire or any other Beacon compatible wallet and Dexter, tzcolors or numerous other dApps.

👉 Beacon Website
👉 Beacon SDK / Beacon SDK Documentation
👉 Spire
👉 Beacon Example dApp

Do you have any questions about Beacon? Join our Telegram group or directly reach out to us.

Interested in a secure wallet solution for Tezos ? Take a look at AirGap.

Beacon Website | GitHub | Telegram | AirGap Website | Twitter

