Extended Asset Support — tezblock Update #20

The easy digestible update summary for the current state and progress of the tezblock development with the goal to include the community as much as possible along the way.

Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2020


👉 tezblock.io

tzBTC and support for asset contracts were introduced in the last update. This update bring many new features and improvements, like extended support for asset contracts across tezblock.

Changes and improvements

Additional features and other small changes are in store with this update.

Every account has now a new “Assets” table where the balances of the identified asset contracts are listed, where available for example for tzBTC with a USD conversion.

Additionally across all tables on every page like the block or transaction detail pages the transfers of assets are now visible with the transferred amount and the corresponding symbol. Giving the end-user an understanding in one glance which values of an asset has been moved around without having to inspect the storage of the related contract.

Token Holders are now visible that have an asset balance, where available with a USD conversion. As well as the number of transactions and their volume over the last 24 hours are available.

The Other Calls table for an asset now displays the relevant smart contract “Entry Point” to get an understanding what these contract calls are in relation to.

Cases of double baking or endorsing are now visible on tezblock with the relevant values like the denounced level or the lost amounts.

Improvements & changes

Additionally to the features many small changes have been done.

  • human readable format for parameters
  • baker-table: performance optimization
  • currency-pipe: improvements to human readable currency information with denomination
  • local caching of certain values
  • baker-table: baker capacity calculations
  • adds USDtz as an identified asset

Updates have been pushed to

The tezblock mainnet as well as the Carthagenet deployment have been update.

👉 tezblock.io
👉 carthagenet.tezblock.io

As always we would like to hear your feedback. What features are the most important for you, have you found any issue? Please reach out to us on Telegram or Twitter.

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