tezblock MVP Release

We are excited to share with you the initial version of tezblock MVP. The Tezos block explorer built with the user in mind made possible by feedback around the Tezos ecosystem.

Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2019


We have come full circle the tezblock journey started off on Medium with a concept outlining our idea for a user friendly and accessible block explorer for Tezos and now we are enthusiastic to announce the release of tezblock MVP.

Do you just want to test tezblock MVP?

Just go ahead you can start browsing the Tezos blockchain on mvp.tezblock.io

What does MVP in mean?

In order to release a version of tezblock as soon as possible to the community we focused on building the foundation of tezblock and launching with a small feature set. If you are using the MVP at the moment you will see here and there fields labeled as “not available” meaning that we currently don’t have a way to get this data from Conseil or it would impact the performance considerably.

We are in close contact with Cryptonomic the team behind Conseil which tezblock uses as a protocol indexer. Many thanks to Mike and the team for all the support so far! 🙌

The features of tezblock

But MVP doesn’t mean tezblock has no features at all, a summary is listed below.

  • Protocol health overview displaying stats of relevant protocol and price data
  • Account overview displaying only relevant data for baker account, delegated account, undelegated account
  • Transaction details
  • Block details
  • Transaction, blocks and activations list
  • Baker staking bond, balance and capacity
  • My Tezos Baker baking efficency rating
  • Baking Bad baker payout accuracy
  • Baker addresses with baker alias and logo
  • Search for baker name, address, transaction hash, block hash

A first step was made but a long road lies still ahead..

With the release of the MVP we have created the scaffolding but work in terms of performance improvements and features still have to be done in a next step.

Some of the tasks and features that are on our roadmap:

  • General performance improvement for data loading
  • Delegations (currently disabled due to performance issues)
  • Payouts and deposits and internal transactions — fixing all the “not available” fields
  • Voting operations
  • Detailed baker related stats like breakdowns of bakings, endorsements, deposits
  • Babylon 2.0 support
  • .. and many more features are on the roadmap — reach out to us if you have any feedback

Some of these improvements are related to Conseil and we have already opened issues on GitHub.

The full release on GitHub where you can setup your own tezblock environment with Conseil will be available shortly.

Weekly Updates continue..

With Berlin Blockchain Week and some summer vacations of our team member we will start again with the weekly development updates from the tezblock side.

Interested in a secure wallet solution for Tezos with delegation support? Take a look at AirGap.

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