The Delegation Button For Every Website — Beacon

Easily add a button to your website that prompts a delegation on Beacon-compatible wallets.

Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2020


Currently the onboarding process for new delegators can turn out to be cumbersome. Imagine you’re looking for a new baker and you end up on the website of “bread & butter”. What you usually is one or multiple guides for various wallets on how to delegate to “bread & butter”.

But why not just a “Delegate Now” button on the “bread & butter” website that display a QR code you could scan with your mobile wallet? Or automatically connects to your browser extension?

This is now possible with the Beacon SDK
You can easily integrate this functionality into your website, even if it’s just a simple landing page or for example a Wordpress website.

Below is an example of a very simple page that adds a “delegate” button that establishes a beacon connection and then sends a delegation request to the wallet.

To try this example, you can copy and paste the following snippet into a local file called index.html and open it in the browser.

And voilà you can now integrate your very own “Delegate Now” button to your website without a lot of effort.

Instead of using the walletbeacon.min.js from the cdn, you can also just upload it to your own ftp and point to that file.

👉 Another option would be to share the link of your baker account as the “Delegate Now” option is also available there.

Which wallets are compatible with Beacon?

AirGap, Beacon Extension and Thanos are the currently Beacon-compatible wallets with others in the works, take a look at the Beacon Website for an update list.

Do you want to try Beacon?

You can try out Beacon by using the Beacon Extension, the Beacon Example dApp and AirGap Wallet.

👉 Beacon Website
👉 Beacon SDK / Beacon SDK Documentation
👉 Beacon Extension
👉 Beacon Example dApp

Do you have any questions about Beacon? Join our Telegram group or directly reach out to us.

Interested in a secure wallet solution for Tezos ? Take a look at AirGap.

Beacon Website | GitHub | Telegram | AirGap Website | Twitter

