Your Gateway To Offline Blockchain Transactions — AirGap Wallet Chrome Extension (Alpha)

With the AirGap Wallet Extension you can interact with Ethereum Web3 compatible websites and dapps out of the browser and sign transactions with an offline device.

Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2019


For the highest security standard, we are advocates of storing your private keys in an offline, completely air gapped setup. So far, this has proven difficult when trying to interact with dApps. Using the AirGap Wallet Extension in combination with the AirGap Vault, you can now sign transactions on an offline device and interact with your favorite Ethereum dApps.

To facilitate transactions out of the browser the AirGap’s Chrome Extension is used in similar fashion to Metamask. The Extension is responsible for the preparation of transactions which can happen directly inside the Extension or after being triggered by compatible websites like MyCrypto, as well as the broadcasting of the transaction after it has been successfully signed.

The secret can be safely stored on another device, using AirGap Vault. This means, that no private key is ever exposed on your online device or your browser.

How does a transaction work?

After creating a transaction, for example using MyCrypto, a transaction QR containing all the necessary data is displayed and can be scanned using AirGap Vault. Signing of the transaction happens on the offline device where the secret is securely stored. The signed transaction is shown as a QR and scanned back by the AirGap Wallet Chrome Extension and then broadcasted.

Metamask compatible

AirGap Wallet Extension currently comes with support for Ethereum and injects the Web3 API into the javascript context of dapps. If the dapp is compatible with Metamask it will also work with AirGap Wallet. We have tested it using a number of known dApps, as well as MyCrypto and MyEtherWallet. If the extension does not work on your dApp of choice, please let us know!

Protocol agnostic approach

Thanks to our protocol agnostic approach with AirGap, we will be able to support additional protocols besides Ethereum like Aeternity and Tezos.


You can try out the AirGap Wallet Extension, it still has rough edges and is officially labeled therefore labeled as Alpha.

¬ AirGap Wallet Extension (Alpha)
Chrome — Web Store

¬ AirGap Vault
iOS — App Store
Android — Google Play
Android — GitHub APK

We would love to get your feedback, share with us what you would like to see for features or where you ran into an issue.

Interested in AirGap? Stay in touch.

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