Open Gallery Feature

Oraichain Labs
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2021


Gallery Creation is now active on aiRight! Users can open a gallery from now until July 16 with a $0 creation fee (BSC Fees still apply) and a chance to win $5000 in liquidity support.

What is NFT gallery on aiRight?

aiRight galleries represent the unique opportunity to tokenize a curated collection of NFT artwork, essentially turning your pool of non-fungible assets into fungible tokens, tradeable on the open marketplace. These gallery tokens are acquired on DEX to purchase artwork from the specific gallery or provide liquidity for farming advantages.

How to use the gallery feature on aiRight

A curator or artist creates a gallery, depositing initial NFTs to receive their unique gallery tokens. Artists and collectors can auction NFTs into that gallery by adding their artwork and setting their auction parameters (Min. Price, Max. Price, Length of Auction). If accepted, the NFT is deposited into the gallery in exchange for gallery tokens. These tokens can be used for farming or sold on DEX.

Create your Tokenized Gallery before July 16:

  • To Create Gallery with $0 creation fee (BSC fees still apply)
  • Gallery with the most token holders will be eligible to win $5000 in liquidity support from the aiRight team.

1. Create Gallery

Step 1.1: Open the “Gallery” tab on aiRight and connect your BSC Wallet, then click the “Create Gallery” button:

Step 1.2: Fill the following information:

Step 1.3: Set the price for your NFTs, then click Create (note: Total price of all initial NFTs must equal 10,000 gallery tokens)

Step 1.4: Confirm your transaction on BSC:

Note: There will be 2 transactions you need to sign, the first one is Approve TX, the second one is Creating Gallery TX (Contract Interaction tx). After your gallery is created successfully, you will see below pop up on the screen:

Step 1.5: Visit your gallery. You can see find your gallery on the list here.

Step 1.6: Click to the gallery to see the exhibitions:

2. Auction NFT into Gallery

Step 2.1: Click add NFT button and select an NFT you want to add to the gallery

Step 2.2: Fill in the auction information (min. price, max price before auto accept, auction length parameters), then click “Add NFT”:

Step 2.3: Confirm transaction on your wallet.

3. Accept NFT into Gallery from Auction

Step 3.1: In your gallery, choose the “Auctioning” tab to see all the NFT on auction, then click to your favorite NFT:

Step 3.2: Bid Parameters:

Enter “Bid price” — The price at which you are willing to buy this NFT into the gallery

Enter “Sell price” — The price at which you will sell the NFT after you own it.

Note: The unit is a gallery token

Then click “Bid” and confirm transactions on your BSC wallet (1 Approve TX and 1 Buying TX)

Step 3.3: The NFT is successfully added to your gallery:

Why do we need Tokenized NFT Galleries?

Despite the crowd of new users NFTs have drawn, the greater NFT community still struggles to define market value for the individual artist. Rare digital works by celebrities are sold for millions, but it seems this glory is reserved for the 1%; there are many excellent artists still looking to make their first NFT sale.

By allowing curators the opportunity to launch their own gallery and corresponding token, collectors are encouraged to engage directly with the artists and collections they love.

Introducing The Transatlantic NFT Gallery (aiBlack)

We are very excited to introduce our first community run collection, initiated by one of Oraichain’s Top Ambassadors!

“The Transatlantic” NFT Gallery

The African diaspora is the worldwide collection of communities descended from native Africans or people from Africa, predominantly in the Americas. The term is commonly used to describe the mass dispersion of peoples from Africa during the Transatlantic Slave Trades, from the 1500s to the 1800s. This Diaspora took millions of people from Western and Central Africa to different regions throughout the Americas and the Caribbean. The Transatlantic NFT Gallery is a celebration of our people and our culture, piecing together our global family through art. This gallery will accept outstanding original NFTs exemplifying the black experience.

This gallery is created with the NFT artist in mind, allocating 80% of the total supply to auction new work into the gallery, allowing creators to leverage their artwork for DeFi opportunities.

Artist Allocation: 8,000 $aiBlack

Initial Liquidity (6 Month locked): 1,500 $aiBlack

Curator Allocation: 500 $aiBlack

Total supply: 10,000 $aiBlack

About the Gallery Owner

Tyree Robinson is a proud SamORAI Ambassador and early supporter of aiRight. He earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from Carnegie Mellon University and has spent the last 15 years working in the entertainment industry. Among his many credits, he has appeared on HBO’s Boardwalk Empire, NBC’s The Blacklist and Honor Up produced by Kanye West. He is excited to bring this decentralized gallery to aiRight, creating a living NFT record of the collective black experience.

About aiRight

aiRight is the world’s first complete system for AI x NFT x DeFi. Users can generate AI NFTs, protect origin with copyright issuance, trade and tokenize unique artworks, taking advantage of our complete royalty mechanism for contributors on-chain.

Oraichain is proud to be the ecosystem provider of aiRight: securing AI functionalities via AI Oracle, accessing Marketplace, organizing Galleries for DeFi, and cross-chain bridging for NFTs.

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