SamORAI Scrolls Episode 3: Interviewing KRYMYC, A Futuristic Artist

Oraichain Labs
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2023

theGHOSTofOJ: Welcome to The SamORAI Scrolls Episode 3! I’m your host “the ghost of orenthal james” and today we’re talking with aiRight NFT artist KRYMYC! First of all, can you tell me a bit about the name “KRYMYC”? What does it stand for or what does it mean?

KRYMYC: KryMyc is inspired by and is a sort of acronym for Kryptonomycon. The Cryptonomicon is a book by Neal Stephenson that is considered by fans to be a bible on cryptography. When I read it, I was fascinated, and at the time, I could not imagine how far-reaching the concepts defined in the book would become and that we are now living through them.

theGHOSTofOJ: Wow, that’s really cool! Since I started following your NFT collections, I’ve noticed that there’s a recurrent theme of “the future” particularly in regard to humans. Your collections like “TransHumanBeing”, “Cyber Androgynous”, “AiPunks”, and “Tribalists” are all future imaginings or future visions of what a human will become. I was wondering what draws you or what your fascination is with, in regards to the “future human”?

KRYMYC: Anthropologically speaking, we are living in an incredibly unique moment in human history. I have always loved science fiction, but for my generation, the future depicted in science fiction seemed like a dream that would never come true. Suddenly, everything is accelerating, and technology is exploding our imagination, allowing us to glimpse or build a possible future tailored to each mind using these technological tools. In terms of visuals, in just the last year, creators have imagined the evolution of countless possibilities. And this is just the beginning. I’m optimistic in this regard and enthusiastic about the Singularity, as described by Terence McKenna — a train without control on its way to somewhere unknown.

theGHOSTofOJ: Interestingly, you brought up Terence McKenna…when I’m viewing your collections I’m reminded of his imaginings and adventures when exposed to the DMT and psilocybin trips that he went on. I’m also reminded of the writings of Philip K Dick, in particular, Blade Runner when looking at your trans humans. It would be interesting to hear the thoughts from Mckenna and Dick in regard to AI and its current assimilations of that tech into the culture.

KRYMYC: Two great minds who already imagined this moment and even beyond… surely they could decipher some of what is to come.

theGHOSTofOJ: How do you personally feel about a possible future human that has elements of both biological and “machine” within it?

KRYMYC: The idea of a “transhuman” being or a future human that has merged with technology and evolved beyond our current limitations is something that has captivated my imagination. I believe that we’re on the cusp of a technological revolution that will fundamentally change what it means to be human, and I find it thrilling to explore these themes through my artwork.. and obviously, technology is my main ally in this search!

theGHOSTofOJ: Moving on to your latest NFT collection SamORAIs from future I’m a huge fan of this collection…I love how you merged the Samurai culture into a tech-based future and gave them “X-MEN” type attributes…can you talk a little about how you got this idea?

KRYMYC: I am a big fan of Oraichain and aiRight, and the concept of “SamOrai” that several creators are developing on the platform, including “The Ghost of Orenthal James”, inspired me to contribute with my vision to create the collection “SamORAIs from Future”. The collection is still evolving and will gradually advance further into the future. The idea of giving diverse attitudes to each character to make them unique in their abilities, including some comedic details, comes from the world of manga or comics.

theGHOSTofOJ: Definitely looking forward to seeing more “SamORAIs from Future”. It also seems like a perfect fit for your art and concepts to be on an AI-based NFT platform like aiRight. How do you like using aiRight?

KRYMYC: As I said, I’m a big fan of aiRight. The platform’s design, ease of minting NFTs, low cost, and great team support are all plus points. When it comes to image generation. I do think the engine needs an update to be on par with other platforms. It would be great to add commands to the prompt to refine the level of creation. But I have no doubt that the team will surprise us in the near future.

theGHOSTofOJ: Great input and I’m sure they will continue to evolve the platform in new and surprising ways! Anyway, thanks for stopping by and chatting, and look forward to seeing what you create in the future!

KRYMYC: Really thanks to you for your support and keep creating and spread the world of the SamOrais!

About aiRight

aiRight is an AI-based innovation of a safe, creditable environment for the NFT community and provides advanced community-driven tools for creators.

Oraichain is proud to be the ecosystem provider of aiRight: provide AI Oracle to secure NFT creators and collectors, accessing NFT Mint and Marketplace, Oraichain Wallet for assets storing and payment, and OraiBridge for cross-chain token transfers.

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