60+ Tips & Tricks on Marketing from SaaStr Annual 2019

Airim Team
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2019

SaaStr Annual 2019 did something amazing. They set up a wall where 10,000+ SaaS leaders could come and share tips on marketing with their fellow attendees.

Some of you attendees might have missed it. Luckily, I got a pic of all the post-it notes when the final day had just wrapped up.

But just downloading the pic was not enough. It would be difficult to go through all the notes when they were needed most. So I OCR’ed them (with limited success) and then edited all notes manually.

Finally I compiled all of them in a PDF file. This final list seemed so helpful that I thought it would help fellow SaaS founders as well.

Some of them were:

“If you ask your customers the right questions, they will write your marketing copy for you. Just listen.”
– Anonymous

“Sales always hates the new sales deck. They haven’t closed any deals with it yet!”

“Leads are lag indicators. Hire product marketing first so you know customers and tell the story of how you solve their problem. Leads will come”
– SK
(I really wanna know the full name of SK, so I could attribute them this quote. There is so much thoughtfulness in this tip.)

If you need a copy of the full PDF as an eBook, just click this link and it will be emailed to you immediately.

Once you have gone through the ebook, please comment your feedback below.

