A simple hack to make your knowledge base more actionable

Airim Team
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2018

Apple Inc. was, I think, the first popular company to create a public knowledge base to help its customers. In late 90s, they launched support.apple.com to help customers get acquainted with their products faster and troubleshoot issues on their own. This was a significant step in the field of customer empowerment and almost every company followed suit.

Screenshot of Apple Support page. It looked nearly same two decades ago, right?

Two decades later, so much has changed with customers. They are spending way longer time on the internet, researching the perfect products that address their immediate needs or desires.

In fact, 65% of the customer journey is now spent in researching. Naturally, brands are spending more and more dollars to make the customers’ research experience way more smooth.

An important part of the research journey is the knowledge base. It is natural for customers to use Airim to search a knowledge base article on a website or web app and then decide to move forward with the brand.

But quite often, brands merely write an answer to a user’s question, assuming that the customer will get delighted reading the answer and then figure out on his own how to sign up for the service.

Even more often, brand ask customers to rate whether the answer was helpful for them or not. This will definitely give statistics to the brand, but for a customer, it is just about giving additional data to a company without getting anything valuable in return.

Who tracks these stats in your company?

Instead, a much better experience for customers will be to click a custom call-to-action button after every helpful article. This will tell them what to do next. Something like “Buy Now”, “Start Free Trial”, “Check your score” or “Apply Now” will be more tempting for me to click and something like “Learn More” or nothing at all.

I’m excited to announce that we have added “Call To Action” as a prominent feature in Airim. When you are editing an article for your customers, you can add a webpage link or a contact form as a button. This button will be shown just below the answer in a widget.

Have you tried it yet? If not, test it for free on your Airim Content Manager.

