Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2018


Our Journey has just begun………

In the year 2018, AIRMESH moves from closed pilots to a phase of rapid network rollouts driven by technology and business model disruptions.

As we take our next steps, our endeavour is to create a truly global startup with a diverse team of geographically distributed professionals working together to create a “Connected Life” experience. Our vision thrives on remote teams supported by physical offices in India, Singapore and Silicon Valley.

It’s the year we unveil some of the business units that will be a part of our our journey as we create an ecosystem for a “Connected Life”.

First being (AirmeshSurf – AIRMESH Showcase Page) AirmeshSurf, a gigabit capable Mobile Internet Network that exceeds 5G expectations with an added ease and convince of WiFi.

Stay tuned in to AIRMESH. Our Journey has just begun.

#airmesh #airmeshSurf #connectedLife




A startup that’s redining the Mobile Internet Ecosystem