4 stories of lost phone and keys that might have happened to you

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4 min readAug 2, 2016

Phones or keys lost in taxis, in public places,…etc ,sounds like an everyday story .We all know someone to whom it happened. Here are some testimonies ,and Jack Johnson’s music to feel the struggle.

Adam- Almost one month ago, a Monday morning, right the time to go for work, my car key disappeared. I drove with it yesterday, my car is here…Since I couldn’t find my key,I ended up staying home and took the day off. I had to contact the car dealer to get another key. I know, I am not the only one who has a problem with keys, but the question is where do I lose things ? I apparently have a Bermuda triangle in my house .

Sofia-“Last summer , I went out to do some shopping with my husband. Once back home, he started staring at me , waiting for me to unlock the door . “I thought you have your keys,” I said …But he didn’t take them out. I started panicking and cleaning out my entire purse looking for the keys.
I was afraid they might have fell in the parking . We looked around for hours …Unfortunately, the keys were gone and we had no other choice than changing the locks

Maria- “ You never leave your phone don’t you? », I heard my mum saying this a billion times. She’s right actually, I mean, my cell phone is like a part of me. I get panic attacks when I don’t feel it in my pocket, or when I try to reach my phone and it’s not there… So that gives you an overview of the bond between me and my phone.

Just remembering the story that I’m going to tell you, I get goose bumps! It was a Sunday evening, I got in a taxi to pick up my friend at the train station. I was texting her all the way to the station, I paid the taxi driver ,who was lovely by the way and told me the story of him selling some smugglers out to the police. I stepped out of the car, walked a little bit and started searching for my friend , but nothing. I couldn’t find her anywhere, there was nobody there. How come? I couldn’t be late! I’m never late! So, obviously the first thing that came to my mind is to grab my phone and call her.

And before I even felt my pocket, I had this vision of me putting down my phone so I can pay the taxi. At that particular moment, I felt like the whole world came crushing down around. I didn’t know what to stress about, was it my friend that I couldn’t find or my lost phone. It truly was one of the lowest moments of my life and I mean it, because I felt helpless and useless without my phone.

Few minutes later, the sound of hope came to me, I heard my friend calling my name. Aaah !! Such a relief, I was honestly happy to see her safe and not lost. Thanks to her phone I could call mine. Surprisingly ,this lovely taxi driver told me that he was already on his way back to the station.That was a pretty roller coaster!”

Sarah- “It was my birthday. I have been waiting for this moment; I opened my gifts with excitement .I always feel like I will never grow up.

Yeey ! I received a phone , the one I wanted for so long .I just can’t describe how happy I was .

Later during the day , I went out with my friends, I felt really blessed , I have friends , ice cream and a new phone . What else can I ask for? Funny conversations never end but it’s time to leave. We went for a long car ride, it was nice, cozy atmosphere, amazing views. I was thinking that it’s a pity , I only have 24 hours to enjoy MY day…

Once home , I had to text my mother to tell her that I arrived safely and enjoyed the day. It’s habit, even if we don’t live together for years, I’m her only child .Wait a second! Where is my phone ? I freaked out, checked my bag, my jeans, cleaned out the place… But I couldn’t find my phone. I started flashbacking the entire day in seconds; my heart was pounding so fast.Did I forget it in the coffee shop? In the washroom maybe? Oh no , I think I left it in the car ,I’m pretty sure about it,…I was trying to convince myself that I didn’t lose it , that it was simply in my friend’s car and that she will give it to me tomorrow…

I couldn’t sleep during that night , it was a tragic incident in my peaceful life .l felt guilty and irresponsible .7 am, I was at my friend’s door ,I scared her, we looked for my phone in her car but unfortunately we ended up only cleaning it. I suggested to come back to the coffee shop as a last try before giving up. Luckily a nice girl found it and gave it to a waiter …”

AIRMOTE is an elegant smart keychain that helps you keep your phone and keys together with you, learn more about it at http://airmote.co




Learn the habit of always keeping your phone and keys with you.