Lost phone? Lost key? Solutions to holiday disasters.

Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2016

Here is a common situation that might happen to you. You are at the beach, the night starts falling and it’s time to leave. Your car is 100 meters away, but you lost your keys and you can’t find them, under the sand maybe? You start bringing all the scenarios. Stress is here and you can’t but freak out. The panic begins and you wish you had a magical power to find them.

We stress over many things. The top everyday causes of stress according to a survey were: not being able to sleep 46 %, losing keys 37 % and being stuck in traffic when late 35 %

Misplacing keys and phones are the result of every day memory or cognitive lapses, and happens even more during holidays.

“Losing a Smartphone is 22% more stressful than losing a wallet”.

We are forgetful by nature and we can’t deny it… But we still get more frustrated about the time spent looking for the misplaced item than by the loss itself.

Indeed no negativity is allowed during holidays .So,the attitude to adopt in those situations is mainly to keep calm, focus, try to recall the scene, plan some reminders, check lists, …and why not be pragmatic and benefit from the privilege of being part of the e-generation. Use a special gadget to find your keys and smartphones, a smart key chain for smart people .

We all want to have fun during our holidays. So ,we conceived AIRMOTE. It’s a smart keychain that helps you learn the habit of keeping your keys and phone with you, and enjoy your summer.

Team AIRMOTE wishes you happy holidays !




Learn the habit of always keeping your phone and keys with you.