AirPod Team is developing the MVP

AirPod Napping Pod
AirPod Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

AirPod’s mission is to provide our users with the best calming experience in the middle of crowded places.

In order to do that, we did a lot of researches on people’s needs and desires, but now we decided to take a step further.

We will build an MVP in order to get feedback from actual tourists and visitors for the future development of the project. This would allow us to understand whether there’s something that needs to be changed before mass production.

Users will have the liberty to use the products at their pleasure while giving either positive or negative feedback. From the obtained feedback, the platform will be able to know of any drawbacks or customer preferences and rectify the units accordingly before the actual launch.

AirPod is giving our contributors a chance to see the value of their contribution even encourage you to contribute more if you are convinced.

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AirPod Napping Pod
AirPod Blog

AirPod Smart Napping pod, your Privacy Capsule, is transforming the experience of airport transit passengers. Please follow us at