Grega Mrgole, AIRPOD CEO about core production partners

AirPod Napping Pod
AirPod Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2019

“Choosing the wrong production partners and not finishing the product development is one of the most significant traps any startup can fall into. You have to know your product, and you have to be familiar with production partner’s history and capability to create the product you want to place on the market.

As an AIRPOD CEO, I recognize AirPod Smart Napping Pod as a high-tech product. My vision is to create a product that is as much appealing as it is usable and user-friendly. That is why I understood that choosing production partners is a project’s priority. As an AIRPOD CEO, I take care that we follow the development guidelines, but our product partners are my most significant support.


Product’s appearance is the first thing that attracts potential users. In my opinion that is why designers are one of the most powerful tools when creating a new product. We have cooperated with many design studios, and Wilsonic Design is the only one with knowledge on how to bring the idea to the production. Their design can be transformed into a real product — with as little differences between the sketch and the final product as possible.

The first time that I meet the Wilsonic design team I only knew their history. Of course, I was impressed, but I did not know whether they would be able to design a product like AirPod. I described my vision of the project and the product. The very next time when we met, I realized they were the one that I have been looking for. I knew they are going to bring my vision to reality. Why? My idea was implemented in their brain. They did the researches and starting to see the AirPod as their project. They are experts in their field, and they think about all the small details. That is why I feel safe with them because they think about the design, development, implementation and they find solutions on how to fulfill my vision.

Wilsonic Design, on the one hand, unites many experts of different competencies, who are complementing each other and has a strong history of working with different subcontractors on the other. That means that even at the beginning of the design, they take into account further requirements of production processes, understand materials and other essential guidelines in the development and manufacture of the product. From the idea to realization — Wilsonic Design has complete control over the product development preventing major complications or differentiation from the AirPod’s development direction that we set together.


Robotina Company will provide smart installations and make the product functional and user-friendly. Why do I trust Robotina? They have been present on the market for 15 years, and they are the leaders in the fields of smart installations and high-tech products. By understanding the best products on the market, they know how to fulfill users needs.

They are the best when it comes to smart technologies needed in AirPod Smart Napping Pod.

They are able to find the solution instantly, and they also know how to program, implement and control the desired solutions. Their knowledge and expertise make my job so much easier since AirPod Smart Napping Pod is indeed a complex and hi-tech product.

When developing a product such as AirPod Smart Napping Pod, there is a constant need for day-to-day coordination. Because we work with Slovenian companies, this is much easier, since we can arrange a meeting within a few hours. It is a big advantage that we are able to perform product development and plan production in my home country.” — Grega Mrgole, AIRPOD CEO



AirPod Napping Pod
AirPod Blog

AirPod Smart Napping pod, your Privacy Capsule, is transforming the experience of airport transit passengers. Please follow us at