Why (Many) People Don’t Care To Learn Diddly Squat About Stuff They Don’t Relate To

Deannah Robinson
Airport \\ Burrito
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2015

Earlier, while scrolling my Tumblr dashboard, I saw a gifset post based on a recent YouTube video, made by artist Kat Blaque, about Unfunny Transphobic Tropes + Trans Comedy and the impact on the Transgender community.

The unfortunate part of seeing the comments, and Kat Blaque having to explain what the content of her video is about to commentators who didn’t get the gifset?

Realizing that many people generally just don’t wanna crack open their small minds and learn.

For people who have never had to think outside their own little world, the old addage of ignorance being bliss is their life’s motto.

Which is disappointing, because there’s so many to see, learn about, confront such as racism, sexism, homophobia/transphobia, settler colonialism, politics, the military & prison industrial complexes, MSM and its gaslighting of the viewing public, and how capitalism works to keep the cycle going.

But yeah, even with the proof brought forth to bust the myths of how the world works and why we don’t have to continue to put up with it by making changes to make things better…

The folks who holds said privilege to make those changes deliberately choose to remain closed up in their stuffy bubble of ignorance.

And it’s a shame that the people taking the time to educate us — many times FOR FREE, might I add, through social media — should be getting paid in the shade for their services.

Unfortunately for small-minded folks, it’s too much of right to heed their advice and take into consideration the knowledge provided to them. FOR FREE.

But 😴😴😴😴😴😴

Originally published at dederants.tumblr.com. Edited to make sense. LOLz. Feel free to recommend and share this story, and email me at deannahm03@gmail.com if you’d like to add this story to your publication.



Deannah Robinson
Airport \\ Burrito

Writer. Blogger. Actress. New Yorker based in Fayetteville, NC. Just me being me. Follow me @DeDeRants and http://dederants.wordpress.com