Our Trip To Singapore

Marlo Perez
2 min readApr 17, 2013

It was in 2011 that we had gone to Singapore. That was the last week of November of that lucky year for us. It was planned at around April of 2011. My sister asked me if I want to go with them. She will go together with my nephews Andrei and Limuel and my niece Tintin. Actually it was their second time to go to the Lion City. And my first. So we had booked as early as April I guess. We will go to my sister’s husband working in Singapore. I was excited back then.

We were booked on Tiger Airways and our flight was at around 11 pm. At around 7 pm we were at the airport in Manila and waited for our flights. It was happier to go aboard the plane and waited in the airport if you had someone or some people with you. And in my case in was my cousins. I cannot forget how eager I was when we were waiting near the tarmac when the “information” announced something or a flight number and I hurriedly stood up and not knowing it was a false alarm so I just sit down again as if no one noticed. But my nephews noticed and they teased me all night long.

At the airplane I was not nervous at all unlike when I traveled locally on a plane too here in the Philippines. I know that God was guiding us. And I know that I was happier and at ease because I had with my cousins. And we had landed at around 1 AM in Changi Airport. It was a modern and very clean airport though I do not want to compare it with ours in Manila. Nevertheless at least we had arrived safely.

And our several days of stay in Singapore were one of the best days of my travel life.

As usual we had our great time at Marina Bay Sands areas and just spent the day gazing at the beautiful scenery of Singapore. I wanted to stay forever in that country that very day! We also had our tour at the Universal Studio. And of course I had my wonderful moments with my cousins riding at the train, coffee hopping and some other things that only Singapore can offer. It was indeed tiring but worth it!

I hope I could return to this wonderful island city.



Marlo Perez

Blogger. MBA graduate. Filipino. Working in Makati. Purchasing professional