Why give away information on your personal preferences in exchange for ads?

A trend has been building for several years that provides users with loads of free online content in exchange for displaying ads on the sites they visit.

Kjartan Sverrisson
2 min readMar 20, 2022


Personal information is private
Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

Most people don’t realize that they are not exchanging their browsing time for ads but for detailed insights into who you are.

Companies combine multiple complex methods to gather the data and slowly build a profile of all your preferences.

This data-mining activity includes your browsing history, social media activity, emails, everything from your name, age, gender, political views, health, sexual preferences, and whatever you can imagine in between.

Ad-tech companies building their technology on this trend have sprung up globally, intending to get their hands on the treasure trove of online data. To process it, package, and sell to the highest bidder via various platforms or directly via ad-sales.

Companies in the industry have realized that we need to change and figure out ways to monetize differently. As the examples show, the EU is not planning to back off its demands on the global advertising giants.

We have been taking a step back to re-evaluate how we help our clients manage their campaigns.

Our priorities have been building solid technology for agencies and publishers alike and ensuring that our approach is fully compliant with GDPR.

Follow us on Twitter or reach out here on Medium for an open conversation on how we can make the ad industry a more humane industry.

Full disclosure

This article is written by Airserve CEO. Airserve is your one-stop-shop for ad serving with respect for your user’s privacy.



Kjartan Sverrisson

Web guru and and entrepreneur @overcastio. I tweet about my daily projects, everything and sometimes nothing.