Welcome to the team, JB!

For the Record
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2016

We’re thrilled to welcome JB Bakst as the latest addition to the Airtable engineering team! A Manhattan native who received a degree in Computer Science from Stanford, JB’s relishes problems which span programming and design: he’s interested in developing “fun and delightful UX,” especially for productivity tools.

Prior to joining Airtable, JB worked at Chime, a six-person startup creating a unique video messaging application. There, he was first responsible for iOS development, but soon took on responsibilities across the full stack, including design.

JB, flanked by a few of the fun interactions he designed and built for Chime.

When he’s not at work, loves to read biographies, ranging from the classic Steve Jobs biography to Scar Tissue, a ‘gnarly’ biography of Anthony Kiedis, the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He also plays lacrosse for a Bay Area men’s team and catches pickup basketball games when he can.

Immediately before joining the team, JB went on a trip to Japan with his brother — which he planned using Airtable. Below, you can check out JB’s Japan Trip Planning base:

