The Best Apps for College Students Keep You Organized and in Touch with Friends

Airtime Platform
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2017
There are lots of apps out there to choose from, but in college, you’re busy and you need to know you’re using only the best and most useful. Image source: Unsplash user William Iven

Everything is new in college, and man, is it busy. You’re on the swim team, writing for the school paper, joining a fraternity, and thinking about getting involved in the campus LGBTQ organization, along with majoring in poli-sci. You need to make sure that you’ve got the right app arsenal, apps that can help with studying and organization, plus social apps that can handle all the newness while letting you keep in touch with old friends.

So you’ve got class, clubs, sports, old friends, new friends, study buddies, intramural teammates, and — ahem — hookups. Which apps are best for studying, for writing papers, and for keeping in touch with everyone? Lucky for you, we can school you in the best apps for college.

Oh, and snacks. We’ll also school you real quick on snacks. Snacks are EVERYTHING in college.

Best Apps for Becoming a College Time Management Ninja: Easy Bib and Notability

So, yeah, all those terrible rumors you heard are true: there is a ton of work sometimes in college. Thankfully, though, there are apps to help you use your time better, so you don’t sit down to read and end up wasting hours on your phone.

Here are some of our favorites:

  • Easy Bib: No one anywhere has ever said, “Wow, I love doing bibliographies.” Because they suck. The bad news is you’ll have to do a ton of them in college. The good news is this app makes it, well, easy. Just enter a book or other source and it formats it for you. You can even just scan a book’s barcode.
  • Notability: Put simply, this app is like taking notes on steroids, or a billion cups of coffee, but without your heart exploding. Use it to type, write, highlight, take photos, and record audio, all in one super-organized place.

Best Apps for Getting Better at Tests: Quizlet and StudyBlue

Ah, the clock is ticking, you’re a little hazy from the awesome night you just had, and all you can think about is how important this test is that you’re currently sweating your way through.

If that sounds familiar, you’re probably one of those poor souls known as a bad test taker. Cheer up, there are apps that can keep you from choking. Here are two of our favorites:

  • Quizlet: This one is useful for sharpening your brain (not literally, that would hurt) by letting you create or download quizzes that help you learn about a certain subject.
  • StudyBlue: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Or something like that (jeez, we sound like our moms). But it’s actually true. Take your test prep to the next level with this flashcard app, which is crowdsourced so it’s kind of like getting help from others in the same situations as you.

Best App for Keeping in Touch with Old Friends and New Friends: Airtime

Now, let’s get to the really good stuff — apps to hang out online with your friends. Specifically, you want one that makes you feel like you’re in the same room with your gang, which is a HUGE deal in college, when you can easily get too busy to hang with your new friends on campus, or when you’re too far away to keep up with old friends back home.

Airtime is set up so you can video chat your friends while watching videos on YouTube, listening to music, and sharing gifs and links at the same time. And Airtime lets you make rooms for different friend groups or organizations, so you can chat and send stuff to the rooms you created for:

  • Your swim team friends
  • The campus LGBTQ+ organization you joined
  • Your chemistry study group
  • Your dorm floor
  • Old friends back home

This makes Airtime great for getting to know new friends and finding your place in campus organizations and interest groups. It helps that Airtime lets you share videos from YouTube and music from Spotify inside the app. These days there’s no better way to get to know new friends than by finding out what music and videos they like — and connecting over music and videos that you discover together.

You can also use Airtime for serious things, like video chatting with your study group or your sports coach. College is a busy time, and it’s not always possible to physically get together; Airtime can help you keep your life more organized and save you time by putting you in instant, easy contact with everyone you need to talk to.

And yes, college is a time when you get to know new people and do new things, but you also want to keep in touch with old friends back home or at different schools. You can hop on Airtime to share your favorite new playlists with old friends, binge-watch YouTube videos together, or tell them about your — ahem — grades. Sorry, something in my throat.

Basically, if college is the new world and high school is the old, Airtime gives you the best of both. And obviously, Airtime is our favorite app for college, but you really can’t go wrong with any of these apps. So get your app arsenal lined up and ready to go now, so you can dive into college headfirst, prepared for anything.

Airtime is waiting for you, your many awesome friends, and your (mostly) excellent taste in music and videos. Here’s the lowdown on all the stuff Airtime can do so that you can keep the convo going on your phone — and hang out with your friends anytime, anywhere. Or, let’s take this relationship to the next level — you can become an Airtime brand ambassador (we call it a strategist) on your college campus. Finally, did you like what you just read? We’ll love you forever if you recommend our post to others.

