Startups hiring through COVID-19 — Open Source List

Andrew Donald
Published in
1 min readMar 19, 2020

We’re all adjusting to a new way of working through this crisis, but the economic shift is affecting startups in different ways.

While a number of startups will be forced to make tough decisions and reduce headcount in the coming weeks to survive through this downturn, others are experiencing unprecedented spikes in demand or have recently raised funding and are looking to expand their teams.

We want to get the talented employees who are now out of work back into jobs quickly by connecting them to the companies that are continuing to hire.

This is an open-source spreadsheet where startups that are hiring can add their open roles so people looking for jobs at startups can have a central hub to access.

Please share this widely so the people who most need help can find the information they need to get back into work and continue building the ANZ startup ecosystem!

A full list of AirTree’s Open Source VC resources can be accessed here.



Andrew Donald
Writer for

Head of Talent @airtreevc, love exploring the world.