Join the movement for a cleaner planet! Become a public air pollution data contributor today

Quentin Hello
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2018

Originally published at

IQAir AirVisual’s crowdsourced monitoring network has achieved some incredible victories in exposing air pollution in new communities around the world the past year, including new nations such as Nigeria, Pakistan, Italy, Philippines, Saudi Arabia and beyond. But the journey’s not over yet! See how you can add your community to the map

Global awareness of air pollution as the leading environmental health hazard facing our planet, affecting a staggering 92% of our population, is growing. However, because air pollution is often difficult to see, let alone quantify, tackling the problem can be complex.

Whilst 9 tenths of the world are exposed to dangerous levels of pollution, specific measurements are needed to reveal how pollution affects different areas, and how different communities must respond to tackle the problem. Air quality data reporting has greatly increased across many parts of the world, but there are still huge gaps on the data map, leaving countless communities in the dark regarding their air, and how to stay safe.

IQAir AirVisual’s world air quality map. The biggest air quality data-set available, but still lots of uncharted territory yet to cover

What we’ve achieved so far

Since the global community began deploying public AirVisual monitors outdoors over a year ago, we have witnessed some incredible achievements from these community networks, by activists taking local air quality into their own hands.

In Pakistan one activist kickstarted an air monitoring revolution, by publishing the very first live Pakistan air pollution data. The high levels of PM2.5 revealed through his public AirVisual monitors shocked the nation, leading to a landmark court case where the data shaped brand new governmental smog policy.

Meanwhile, a socially-conscious enterprise in the Philippines has installed a nationwide network of AirVisual monitors throughout its cleaner-fuelling stations. Cleaner fuel advocates Unioil have since partnered with the Philippines government, and the data will support a new national air quality improvement framework.

Elsewhere, from Nigeria to Morocco, Thailand to Alaska, Siberia to Saudi Arabia, individuals around the world are publishing their communities onto the air pollution map, helping new populations make informed decisions and making local pollution unignorable.

Abid in Pakistan / Unioil in Philippines / Rafael in Nigeria

Now it’s your turn!

The IQAir AirVisual Pro air monitor is designed to help accelerate our journey to a world where everyone knows what they breathe. An unprecedented, high accuracy yet accessible air monitor, the Pro’s outdoor PM2.5 readings can be broadcast to the global map, putting reliable data within reach of communities anywhere. All new data points added bring us one step closer to safer breathing, and ultimately tackling global air pollution.

Here’s how to do it, in 4 simple steps:

1. Choose location

All you need to set up your IQAir AirVisual Pro for outdoor public measurements:

  • Access to electrical outlet and a Wi-Fi connection.
  • An outdoor location sheltered from weather conditions such as direct sunlight, rain, winds.

Places like a sheltered porch or terrace, under an overhanging roof or open garage, are well-suited.

  • Good airflow surrounding the device
  • No higher than 10 meters
  • Away from localized pollution sources (e.g. cigarette smoke, BBQs)

2. Submit details of your device location and photos of its installation online

We will check that the set-up is suitable, and offer suggestions if any adjustments are required. Full instructions on how to submit your information here.

3. Data validation

AirVisual will analyze the readings for 1–2 weeks before publishing your device’s data to the public air quality map.

4. Congratulations! You have moved your community a step closer to beating local pollution.

Now your neighbors and global air quality data enthusiasts can draw valuable conclusions and preventative actions from the state of your community’s air.

What are you waiting for? Become an outdoor data contributor today, and bring your community a step closer to cleaner, safer air!

Contribute data

Want to know more? Contact us and we will be happy to help you get your community online.

Note: Out of respect for regulations, AirVisual prohibits the reporting of non-government data in China. As a result, no data from IQAir AirVisual monitors within China national borders is made public.

